Our dogs have their bed under the radiator, in front of the dishwasher. At some point, every evening, they are mercilessly kicked out of their bed so that the dishwasher can filled up and turned on. Freddy, being the laziest pooch in the world (), is always keen to get back into his bed and be next to the dishwasher (it gets nice and warm for him!). As soon as the door clicks shut, he shoots out of the living room and lands on his bed with a determined thump.
Yesterday the sun was beating through the patio doors. Both Freddy & Wilma were enjoying some quality sun bathing. As the kitchen was empty of dogs, Chas decided to fill up the dishwasher. He closed the door and Freddy came flying through and landed in bed with a thump! He then looked at Chas as if to say "doh!" and went back through (quite sheepishly) to the living room and the sunshine!
Is anyone else's dog brainwashed (excluding getting leads out or picking up feeding bowls!!)?
Who's more foolish - the fool, or the one who follows him?
When we first got Sunny I had a bag of dog treats in a packet that rustled. Since then any time I open a packet that makes the same sound Sunny comes flying through looking for a treat. Yesterday I was opening a new packet of dish clothes and without fail Sunny came flying through at a great speed nearly knocking over Alix and her water bowl. When she saw it was nothing to eat she gave me such a look I couldn't help laughing To make it worse Alix then went "awww mum don't give Sunny those clothes to eat she dosn't like them"
Landess and Sunny.
Greyhounds are like chocolates, one is just never enough.
When I am going out and cannot take Cas and Sasha with me I go through the routine of filling the treat ball for Cas then persuading Sasha to her indoor cage with a treat, the other day I filled the treat ball as norm to find Sasha already in her cage, think she is getting the message now. LOL. What funny pooches they are. Nora
Every time anything rustles, Vegas is there to see if there's anything in it for him! He's often disappointed if the items I'm unwrapping are inedible!
daisy knows the sound of a spoon tapping against her dinner bowl. she is usually laying on the sofa when i prepare their dinner - dave comes into the kitchen with me. i can stir and stir their dinners but the minute i tap the spoon on the side of the bowl daisy comes rushing in !!
i have tried other spoons on other bowls and pans but it's only her bowl that makes her get off the sofa. don't they learn quickly !!!
Blue comes running at the sound of anything being put in an item made of stainless steel as his bowl is made of it, He often comes running when I am making our tea and using saucepans just in the off chance I am going to give him another tea.
He also knows the sound of "his cupboard" opening and if we are tying to put anything in there he is in the kitchen like greased lightening with bum on floor waiting expectantly
All my gang can be sound asleep but they know if I am anywhere near my fridge (I keep their treats on top) they come zooming out blocking my way through and generally mugging me for treats, only when they get something will they let me pass