Wilma has really started to wolf her food down - she'll be lucky if she crunches one or two biscuits, walks into the garden and burps like a true man! Nothing has changed in our home setting to make her "wary" about her food - I think she's just a pig! Anyone any suggestions for getting her to slow down a little?!
Who's more foolish - the fool, or the one who follows him?
Tilly used to do that and we changed her onto different food that had larger pieces that she has to chew which slows her down. Another idea would be to put their feed in a kong so that it is then an activity.
My husband claims that the trick is to put a couple of big pebbles/stones in the food bowl, so that the dog has to slow down & pay attention to what he/she picks up. I don't dare try it as I'm worried that Bon will break her teeth...
You could try filling a Kong with some of the food and placing it in the food bowl. Not only will Wilma have to slow down to eat the food around the Kong but she'll also take awhile to get the food out of the Kong.
Dogs are not intelligent: never trust any animal that is suprised by its own farts!
Anyanka wrote: My husband claims that the trick is to put a couple of big pebbles/stones in the food bowl, so that the dog has to slow down & pay attention to what he/she picks up. I don't dare try it as I'm worried that Bon will break her teeth...
You could try tennis balls instead of stones. Same effect, less harsh on their gnashers.
Tennis balls... that might work. Actually, I forgot to mention above how I deal with Bonnie's greed: I feed her twice daily, so that she can only wolf down half the amount in one go. She used gulp down the lot and then walk around visibly struggling to breathe.
Wilma has been fed twice a day since we got her. She used to take her time and chew each biscuit, now she wolfs it! I like the idea of large breed kibble, BUT she has such a sensitive tummy that it's a struggle to get big biscuits in her flavour!!
Who's more foolish - the fool, or the one who follows him?
Don,t know if this will help, but when we first got Sasha as a companion for Cas, Cas would wolf done her food as if she was back on the streets as a stray(god only knows what she went through) any way we decide to try ad-lib feeding anyway it seem to work for her and she does not scoff like she used too. When we first got her she was the same but at that time we had a regime that the humans ate first then her, I would fill her bowl and then pretend to eat from it give her a few bits by hand then give her the bowl, interupt her half way through and then do the same again. It is a sharing thing which they must learn much the same as in the pack i.e the Alpha leader. Nora
Try heating the food up in the micro - not too hot but hot enough! (make sure food is mixed well as micro`s make food very hot in the middle!) This worked a treat with "bucket faced" Beanie - it slowed her down big style!!!