Looks like you had a great turnout and the weather was kind. So sorry we could not make it but with Sasha just being speyed and having her dew claws removed we felt that it would have been to exciting for her more because of the wounds on both front legs. Hope to make the next one and meet all the lovely hounds and owners again for a good old chin wag. Nora
Great photos Siouxsie. All the hounds looking as gorgeous as ever. Tilly really enjoyed catching up with her doggy pals and def was a lot more relaxed and contented on this walk. Andrew and I even caught the sun!!
Landess.... I know you wanted me to post your photo of 'Fit Bloke', but you should have at least taken a photo of him with his dog (not just a close-up of him) and made it look like you were interested in his hound.
Great photos - We had a smashing time, lovely sunshine and plenty of friendly faces and hounds. Morse, the olympic hurdler, slept all the way home and then some more back indoors. He had a whale of a time!
Well done to everyone involved in organising the event.
Dogs are not intelligent: never trust any animal that is suprised by its own farts!
We had a great time, even though Janie was a bit on the vocal side when standing about, ( she doesn't do standing) Was a great walk and the sun came out too.
Great piccies..................course the one o Ben is ma favourite! (thanks siouxsie, your a star)He is lookin really handsome as usual..................awww I just want to cuddle him...............piccie print for the fridge gallery!
Great! I am glad you were not put off with your hike to the near summit and looking forward to seeing you, John, Tyler & Max at Holyrood in the near future - even though i will most likely see you before then