Hi Everyone.... Does anyone have any ideas as to how to stop Alfie licking the wound on his tail - it's never going to heal !
Unfortunately Alfie got in between a dog fight that he shouldn't have been involved in! Fortunately the extent of his injury was a puncture wound to his tail.
We have cleaned it and put antiseptic cream on it but he won't leave it alone and it's looking very sore now. I have tried one of those big plastic collars that the vets supply you with, but given it's on his tail and he's a big dog, he can still reach it!
We've tried wrapping it up but no matter what we put on it, he manages to rip it off, and to be honest, I would've thought that fresh air would be better for it, rather than it being wrapped up wouldn't it?......
Does anyone have any advice as to how we can stop Alfie's tongue constantly bathing his war wound!
Know this sounds weird but do you have any large hair curlers? If you do and it fits ok place it over the tail and attach it using tape and it will hopefully protect the would from his licks but also let the air get to it to help healing. If you don't have a curler try a syringe with the end cut off as this works the same only doesn't let as much air in to the wound.
Thanks to everyone for the suggestions. They are all great! I always know that someone will have a good idea when I ask for help and I really appreciate that! I'm going to try the hair roller first and see how we get on. thanks again, Kate