Harry is a right wee tea-leaf. My back was turned for a moment and he ate some oatcakes, along with the foil they were wrapped in. It's not proper tin foil, just the wrapping foil stuff so it's more flexible and less sharp than the tin stuff. But I'm still worried that it'll do him harm. This happened yesterday morning and since then he's been pooping fine and is his usual happy, bouncy, energetic, enthusiastic self.
Will it just pass through his system? How concerned should I be? Or should I just wise us and not be such a worrier?
Kayri ate a whole box of Celebrations chocolates one time including all the foil wrappers! I was working in a vets at the time and he gave her some liquid paraffin wax to help her pass them. She did pass them all over a period of about 3-4 days but think she might have struggled without the liquid paraffin.
Have you noticed any of the foil in his poo. Unfortunately, its just a case of sifting through it to check its been passed. Not very pleasant!
There is a chance the foil could cause a blockage. Keep an eye on him "straining" to pass faeces.
Might be worth a phone call to your vet to see what they say?
Incidentally the box of chocolates were in a high up shelf where Kayri couldn't reach them but the cats "helped" her!
Thanks, Hazel. We've not noticed any shiny bits in his poo, neither has our dogwalker. I'd asked her to call me if he seems unwell and she hasn't, so I assume he's still fine today. He hasn't been straining when he goes to the loo, more so he's a little loose. But that could be the bits of cooked liver that we've been using as training treats.
Thanks again - I'll let you know how he gets on! (bet you're really glad about that...... )