Does anyone else's dogs fight over the sofa? Not you fighting for a space but the dogs v's the dogs?! Tonight Toby was fast asleep on the sofa and Millie decided she wanted on it, so she got up and stood over Toby for a while and after about 5 mins, he wouldnt move, so she crammed herself into a small part at the end of the sofa, half on top of Toby and half up on edge of sofa! She looked so uncomfy as her bum wasnt even on the sofa but she is refusing to move. She thinks that if she stays there long enough that Toby will move. What a wee madam she is!
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."
What a lovely photo. Think youll have to get a bigger sofa. You've got to admire her determination haven't you? Did Toby move in the end or is he as stubborn?
Yeah, ours cram in as well. mind we have often ended with 3 on the sofa at the one time. Lots of growls but everyone to determined to have the best bed.
dave and daisy don't fight over the sofa but dave does intimidate daisy about their sleeping arrangements. if she's on our bed, he only has to glare at her and she's off to give him room. if he's on his bed on our bedroom floor, there's no way she'll walk past him cos there just isn't room for her to get past without treading on his bed and she won't do that !
Sounds way too familiar! We have a very similar situation. Millie adopted the two-seater from the day she arrived. Wills, being the gent that he is, let her have it (figured he had it sussed because he would come creeping up beside us). Tigger came on the scene and it took her about a month before she tried sneaking onto Millie's seat. It has to be said, Millie just looks disgusted and walks away or whinges in the vain hope that one of us will move Tigger for her.
Wills was also very reluctant to walk past Millie's bed (not so bad with Tigger) so we put Millie's farthest into the room - she's happy, Wills is happy and Tigger is just Tigger - totally unphased by anything.
Great photo of Millie squashing herself into the smallest of spaces on the couch and hoping to squeeze Toby out! Toby looks very wise, though. What a great looking pair they make!
Hehee. I'm sure we will be in this position very shortly. It looks as though our old man will be joined by another grey shortly. Dan's just a bit lonely i think so a wee pal would be nice for him, although he's a big boy and likes his space. I can see me sitting on the floor for a wee while...