Hi Folks, OK, it's time to announce our annual SPONSORED DOG WALK!!!!!
Every year GAL hold our sponsored walk, this year the walk will be held at Strathclyde Park in Glasgow on Sunday 2nd July at 11am (this will coincide with the regular Glasgow Dog Walk) All GAL members will now have received their sponsor forms with their newsletters and we'll be sending out more sponsor forms to everyone else on our database this week (that means folks that have adopted dogs from us before or folks who's memberships have lapsed)
Last year the walk raised an amazing total of just over £5,000. This was a super human effort from all the walkers, I really hope we can reach that total again however not being too adventurous I'll set a nice target of £2,500 and hope we reach that!!
So, here's the instructions!...
Please go out and get some sponsorship, friends, family, work mates etc etc! All funds raised will go directly towards paying GAL kennelling and vet bills, EACH £ RAISED HELPS GAL SAVE LIVES.
The walk round Strathclyde Park on the 2nd is about 4 miles but remember if you can't make it on that day please consider doing your own walk on a different day or even a different location, we have our regular walks in Glasgow AND Edinburgh every month so those would be ideal times and places to complete the walk if the 2nd doesn't suit! As there's currently lots of sponsored events in my own office I'll be completing my walk later in the year!
If you don't have a dog but would still like to walk for GAL then we can 'loan' you a dog for the day!
Please also consider any 'schemes' your employer might have, last year 3 walkers had their total doubled by their respective employers through 'community cashback' schemes, ask at your own office to see if your employer has such a scheme!
If you haven't yet received a sponsor form or indeed if you want more forms please email carolmGAL@aol.com
Each doggie participant of the walk on the 2nd will receive a 'goodie bag' and we'll have prizes and medals for the folks that raise the most amount of money!
Finally my own personal plea! As with last year I've set myself a personal target of getting £500 in sponsorship, if I make the £500 my own employer will match that total with another £500. I'll be doing the lap round the park this year at the August walk so if you would simply like to help GAL by sponsoring someone please consider sponsoring me!
Hi Amanda, fraid we can't put the extra sponsor forms on the web as there's nasty folk around that will print copies off, collect money in GAL's name then go down the pub and spend it on cheap lager.....If you (or anyone else) needs extra copies just drop me an email!
Fiona, Valerie & Gail, thanks for your offers of sponsorship, you can sponsor me anything between 1p and £60,000 I don't really mind....just drop me an email with your pledges and I'll collect money later when I've completed the walk!
Hi Dave - fraid I wont be making this walk as its 2 wks before my exam & I dont have time (sorry) to get or collect sponsorships...however you'll be pleased to know that myself & my mad friend Sam plan to do a summer/autumn of madcapped long distance walks (ie anything under 4hrs just aint worth it...) with our dogs & will intersperse this with bagging a few monroes etc - once we are fit enough we will be doing several of these for charity sponsorship - GAL & cancer research will both be benefitting. We also plan to write a book about our travels (Tails of the unexpected) as we always end up having the most bizarre adventures when we go out - if there is a bog to fall in, river to get swept away in etc we will be there...kindof a rough guide to dog walking - or how not to should I say, in Scotland....that too - if & when it ever gets to a publishers will also have proceeds to the above charities.
Good luck to everyone on the 2nd! Hope you raise lots of dosh. Good to have some statistical reminders for folk Dave to spur on the collections...
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
Come on someone out there must be doing this or are Phil and Dave going to be very lonely. (I do understand it's not possible for all )
Dave: makes sense about nasty folk printing the forms off to raise funds for themselves never thought of that....
Hope we make the target. I know the kennel fund is important and everyone is trying hard to raise funds for that but as you pointed out Gal needs money for the day to day expenses too
Suzanne your adventures sound good fun and a great idea to raise cash look forwards to reading about it.
Hope all goes well at the car boot sale Landess and Fiona has to be said I would be useless if anyone tried to knock down the price of things I would cave in straight away
Amanda wrote: Hope all goes well at the car boot sale Landess and Fiona has to be said I would be useless if anyone tried to knock down the price of things I would cave in straight away:blankstare
I'll just shame them into parting with the required amount by saying that they're taking the food out of defenceless doggies' mouths!!
Have got 15 quid already cos I sold something to my chum for her wee boy. Yay!
Hi Folks, just a reminder that it's our Sponsored Dog Walk next Sunday (2nd) and remember this does coincide nicely with our regular monthly Walk in Strathclyde Park so even if you haven;t collected any sponsorship then please come along for the walk (and you could maybe sponsor me instead..)
Hope to se as many of you as possible on Sunday for this real important GAL event!
We've just been notified of a large event taking place in Strathclyde Park this Saturday and Sunday which means the usual car park where we meet is closed(!) SO, the walk still goes ahead only leaving from a different location within the park.
We will now be setting off from the Car Park outside the VISITOR CENTRE. The Visitor Centre is situated right at the North (Glasgow) end of the Loch. How do you get there?
If you are entering the park from the North (Glasgow) end you are pretty close, drive into the park past the pub and hotel and follow the signs for the VISITOR CENTRE, you are looking for a RIGHT HAND TURN, there's a large sign you can't miss it! If you get to the amusement park you've gone TO FAR. Once you make the RIGHT HAND TURN follow the road down and to the right (at this point signposted for Visitor Centre / Bothewell Haugh Pavilion Car Park) this road leads into a car park where you'll see yours truly frantically worrying that no one will find me.
If you are entering the park from the South (Motherwell) end then just follow the signs for the VISITOR CENTRE, once you get PAST the amusement park you are looking for a LEFT HAND TURN. Once you make the LEFT HAND TURN follow the road down and to the right (at this point signposted for Visitor Centre / Bothewell Haugh Pavilion Car Park) this road leads into a car park where you'll see yours truly frantically worrying that no one will find me.
I'll endevour to post volunteers as close to our regular starting off point as possible but if you can pass this message onto anyone who you know is coming along but may not see this message please do so. NOTE: The event in the Park is a 'Truck Rally' which means they'll be lots of old bald blokes in denim jackets walking round kicking tyres.
See you all on Sunday hopefully with some sponsor money!
Give Joyce a collecting can, some keyrings and a homeless hound and send her in the direction of the truck rally, they baldy blokes with big trucks are worth megabucks, they're also usually big softies. She'll easily persuade them to part with some dosh.
Dave Does this mean that you'll actually be leaving the car park?? That must be worth a tenner from me!! Any help needed on the day - just let me know. Joyce
Joyce, I'll be doing my walk in August probably, was a bad time to get sponsorship from the folks in my office as there was a lot of other fund raisers going on and I need to reach £500 in order for my employer to match that with another £500 so yeah I will be leaving the car park but not on Sunday!
Bit worried about Dave his post read a bit frantic.
Yeah Joyce, one of the traits of a greyhound owner seems to be the one where they get lost easily then complain to me!!.....hopefully my directions were frantic but clear....see you on Sunday!
Ahem, that's an awful lot of padding between you and me Joyce
How about we volunteer to hang out with the truckers, you can shake your thang and I'll send any lost GAL folk in the direction of Dave at the Visitors Centre.
On thursday i took rosie with me round all the houses in my street and the next and got loads of sponsors! yay! i think having rosie for them to see really helped them give more money! i think im at £72? not quite sure
Ahem, that's an awful lot of padding between you and me Joyce How about we volunteer to hang out with the truckers, you can shake your thang and I'll send any lost GAL folk in the direction of Dave at the Visitors Centre. Denise
If you need another one then I am up for that too, I bet Tara and I can look appealingly at truckers.
On thursday i took rosie with me round all the houses in my street and the next and got loads of sponsors! yay! i think having rosie for them to see really helped them give more money! i think im at £72? not quite sure
Wow well done Laura And I think you are now our youngest forum member so well done to you.
Good luck to everyone on the walk on Sunday I hope the weather stays nice. Me and Fiona will be up at stupid o'clock to do our car boot sale in Edinburgh or I would have been there walking with you.
Landess Sunny and Zoe
Greyhounds are like chocolates, one is just never enough.
What's the weather like in Glasgow today. We have thunder and lightening. May have to do the sponsored walk next month as Blue is not good with thunder.
If it's any help to you, we had really bad thunder and lightening up in Dundee this morning, didn't last too long and it's left us with glorious sunshine, so hopefully it will clear up well for you all.
Good luck to everyone taking part in the walk today, hope you all have a great time and raise lots of money, especially from those truckers. Wish we could have been there.
Dave remember to let me know how to get your sponsor money to you!
Blue has really surprised us this time and not freaked out with the thunder. Last time he was trying to sit on my knee or hide under the table. Nearly 2 years since we got him so he must forgetting a lot of his horrible past
Laura well done that is an excellent amount and will really help