Alfie regularly suffers with cramp in one of his back legs/foot. It tends to happen when he's had a mad 10 minutes running around the garden!
My husband has been reading Charlie Lister's new book about his life as a greyhound trainer and has told me that tinned tomatoes in their food every so often helps to stop the cramp occuring.... Has anyone else heard of this / tried it?
On the main website (not on the forum), there is a section called Health & Behaviour if you click on it then you have certain sections - one is cramp and this mentions the use of tomatoes for cramp also. In fact click below:
Haven't noticed Tilly having any problems with cramp, although she does have a tendancy to lie with one of her front legs doubled up underneath her (anyone else's do that, or is Tilly just odd?!) and she did start to "cry" in her bed the other evening as we think her leg had gone to sleep............
Brilliant Siouxsie, it's good to have these things confirmed! Thank you. Alfie has had tinned tomatoes in his food this morning! He was a bit unsure at first, but once he got stuck in he seemed to enjoy it for a change!
Any idea what 'once in while' would be - I don't want to give him too many! If it was you would you give them to him say, once a week, or once a month?..... Any thoughts please? Does anyone else out there feed their hounds tomatoes? Any guidance would be great.... thanks again. Kate x
Oor Florence had really bad cramp for a while after we got her, all we could do was rub/massage where her cramping muscle was. (while she salivated and screamed). Thanks to the info on GAL website, she and the rest o the gang get tinned tomatoes as part of their breakfast on a Saturday and Sunday. She rarely, if ever gets cramp now so twice a week is ok for her.
(Breakfast of eggs/sausages/tomatoes and toast are so much a routine at the weekend, Abbey and Dexter will whine when you've had enough of a lie and won't go oot for the toilet till she's had her breakfast)