OK Folks some more exciting information for you, there will be 8 classes on the day, entry for each class is only £1 and that will be paid on entry to the ring. The classes are as follows -
BEST VETERAN (7yrs or over)
BEST YOUNGSTER (6yrs or under)
As you can see the classes are pretty exciting and the show is open to ALL dogs! The top 3 dogs in each class as picked by the judge will win a rossette with the winner of each class also getting his or her paws on a lovely medal. The winners of each class will also go through to the HOT DOG FINAL with the winner of that walking off with a trophy and bragging rights for the next 12 months to be called THE HOTTEST GLASGOW GAL DOG 2006.
In addition to the dog show we'll have the GAl shop in attendance, a prize raffle and tea, coffee and home baking to keep you all going through the day. Don't forget the kennels are situated on the banks of the Clyde so there's some nice walks for everyone between classes. And not forgetting the homeless dogs! There's currently 20 in residence at the kennels so the show will be an ideal opportunity for you all to visit them and say hello!
And now for some other stuff! Remember our ongoing appeals for the Kennel Fund! so please feel free to bring all your old coppers and car boot sale stuff on the day and we'll happily take them off your hands! Additionally we've already got great prizes for our raffle (including a great doggie lunch box and an MP3 player that I've got my eyes on!) but if you have anything you want to include please bring it along on the day and we'll include it in the draw!
OH YEAH, and you may have noticed the word GLASGOW appearing in this post! Yeah, due to popular demand GAL will be having another HOT DOG SHOW in EDINBURGH on Saturday 15th July...DOES YOUR DOG HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO WIN BOTH TITLES??...
Finally the boring but important information, all dogs must be kept onlead during the show and if your dog needs to wear a muzzle make sure he does
OK, you'll all nead to know where you are going! The show starts at 10:30 with the first class at 11:00. If we run to schedule the HOTTEST DOG will be crowned at 14:00. The kennels are situated on the banks of the Clyde just East of Langbank close to the Finlaystone Estate, the arrow on this link marks the spot!
Hi Folks, if you look at the GAL Documents section at the bottom of this forum we've updated it with a poster for the GLASGOW HOT DOG SHOW (under poster / flyer for next event) so a quick favour to ask of all our west coast friends! If you can all print off a few copies and hang them up in your local vets or supermarket sometime this week that would be great and ensure a big turn out for the show next saturday!...
Given the lovely summer weather we've been having lately (hellooooo? Is it October already?!!), is there a backup plan for Saturday?! Or is it a case of turn up anyway?!!
Who's more foolish - the fool, or the one who follows him?
I'm very very sad to say that Dan and Sally won't be making their debut at the Glasgow Hot Dog Show as expected. Sally is still in heat and Dan had to get five (!) teeth out yesterday at the vet so he's a bit miserable (and he doesn't look very pretty with blood stains on his cheeks). Unfortunately we'll also be missing the Edinburgh walk. But I'm sure they'll be on top form for the Edinburgh Hot Dog Show and we fully intend on going to the Glasgow walk on 2nd July.
Hi Folks, just a quick post to say thanks to everyone who attended the show today, the weather was fab and the place was mobbed! Thanks to everyone who helped out and CONGRATULATIONS to all our class winners! We raised just over £600 on the day so a great result!
I apparently took 103 picces so I'll sort them out and post them tomorrow, I'll leave you with GAL's Hottest Glasgow Dog 2006, ZOLA Henderson. Zola was one of Denise's first homings way back at the begining of GAL, she's 10 years old now and won the Best Veteran class before winning the Best in Show 'Hottest Dog' title. She's pictured here with her trophy, as you can see she looks a bit knackered after a long day in the sun!
Congratulations Zola, still stunning at 10yrs old, her mum and dad were fit to burst with pride.
Well done too to everyone involved with organising the Hot Dog Show, it was a brilliant day out and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Special thanks to Rachel and Eddie for their usual generous hospitality and to Anne for all the yummy baking full of chocolate and calories.
Lots of gorgeous 'me want' dogs, unfortunately Martin came along with me to make sure 'me want, doesn't get'.
Good luck to all those attending the Edinburgh Hot Dog Show, hope the weather is as kind to you as it was to us today.
We raised just over £600 on the day so a great result!
what a brilliant amount of money raised!!!! Does it go to the kennel fund or for GAL's "everyday" work?
We all had a great day (the kids were fed up and whinging, but that do that at every opportunity anyway!) - certainly the dogs slept well on the way home!
There are some very beautiful dogs out there - Denise, I know what you mean about "me want" dogs! I brought my conscience along with me as well (aka Chas!!) and he kept saying no too! Tsk tsk!!!!
Who's more foolish - the fool, or the one who follows him?