I've just had a 'peek' at the new coats from the States! They are gorgeous and I can say from personal experience that they are of excellent quality and make hounds look sooo classy (not that they aren't in their natural coats of course.....but you know what I mean????!!!!!). I bought an Ultrex raincoat for our first Galgo 3 years ago - it has had a lot of use and been washed carefully many times and has only recently started to fade slightly. I had decided that I would be ordering another from the States, but now that GAL has them it will save me the hassle!! Thanks very much!!!
Thought you might like to see what my gang look like in their Ultrex raincoats!
And ..... dear Paco loved his so much he even went to bed in it!!
The dogs all look very stylish in their coats and I love the colours! Unfortunately Vegas doesn't like wearing coats - he thinks he looks better in his pelt. He has one that I put on him when we were going out in a blizzard and he walked very stiffly in it until I had to give in and take it off. I haven't tried Dixie in a coat yet, so it's possible she might wear one without any fuss!
As you're talking coats, I'd just like to ask when you start putting them on? Obviously middle of winter and pelting rain - but what are the borderlines?
No hurry with the replies - right now we are all hot and sweaty down here, definitely no need for coats for anyone!
love the coats, especially the bright pink one perhaps not for a male grey though...
Blue always has a coat on when it is raining heavily whether it's summer or winter. He hates getting wet and looks so depressed when he comes to me to tell tales on dad if he has forgotton.
His thick winter coat only gets put on when it is snowy or very frosty. He doesnt really like it and seems to get too hot when running. Guess it would be different for a dog that stays on the lead.