Freddy gave a wee yelp as he ate his breakfast this morning, but then carried on with the rest of it as normal. I figured the daft twit had bitten his tongue. When I got home from work this afternoon, the left side of his face is all swollen! I've had him at the vets tonight, and one of his teeth is really bad. (poor boy tried to take the vets hand off when he tried to look inside his mouth!). So he has to go in tomorrow morning for it to be removed!
He's the saddest looking dog in the world, but he really does look suicidal at the moment!
Happy thoughts to him for tomorrow please!!!!
Who's more foolish - the fool, or the one who follows him?
toothache sucks!! poor freddy....after every tooth extraction, it is compulsory for owners to hand feed their dogs whilst they recouperate in their beds...
Hope hes feeling all better after tomorrow!
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
Oooyah, poor Freddy - I'm scared of the dentist, so I can empathise with his feelings of bereftness at the moment. Thinking good thoughts for him today. Let us know how he gets on.
Hope Freddy is feeling better and milkin' the sympathy for all its worth! Abbey sympathises with him cos she ken's wit the pain is like fae past experience...........
poor Freddy - toothache is truly awful, he has my sympathy and i'm sending him lots of good thoughts for a good trip to the dentist, he'll feel so much better afterwards. i bet he'll enjoy those sardines
The vet has just telephoned to say that she has cleaned the pus and muck from around Freddy's sore tooth and the tooth itself is solid in his mouth and actually in better condition than thought! To that end, she is recommending a course of antibiotics and anti-inflamatories rather than take out a healthy tooth. If it flares up again, she would look at removing the tooth (but at a discounted price! !). She has, however, taken some of his front teeth out as they were a bit wobbly because the gum had receeded quite a bit. I hope he isn't left with a lisp!
We can pick him up later this evening. Scrambled egg for his tea tonight methinks!
Thanks for all your positive thoughts!
Who's more foolish - the fool, or the one who follows him?
Thanks for your concern about Freddy! He is doing really well. We are soaking his food at the moment as his mouth is still quite sore (understandably!). Today is the first day that he has looked almost back to normal! Certainly there is no swelling in his face and his left eye is no longer bloodshot!
He has to go back to the vets on Friday to check that everything is fully healing properly.
Thanks again!
Who's more foolish - the fool, or the one who follows him?
Back at the vets tonight. Whilst we were waiting I noticed that he doesn't seem to be able to open his mouth properly to yawn (and we all know how much greys like to yawn!! ). I mentioned this to the vet and he thinks that possibly his jaw is still a bit painful from the surgery last week. So he's given him another weeks worth of painkillers (doubling the dose too). He's to go back again next Friday and see how things are.
He did say that it could be another (more serious) problem, but thinks its more likely to be a post-operative thing.
will keep you all updated!
Who's more foolish - the fool, or the one who follows him?
His yawning abilities are still very limited, and he seems to be struggling to take a bone-shaped charcoal biscuit off me. I threw half a cheese slice in his direction this morning, and he let it drop before he picked it up and took ages to eat - not like him at all.
I'm taking him back to the vets (again!) tonight as I'm starting to get quite worried about him . will let you all know how he gets on.
Who's more foolish - the fool, or the one who follows him?
I picked him at 2pm this afternoon, after having his xrays done this morning. Charlie (the vet) has removed another tooth, that had rotted in 3 weeks!
Whilst he was under anaesthetic Charlie tried to force open Freddy's mouth and physically couldn't do it! He's studied the xrays and there's nothing obviously wrong. The next stage is that he is to be referred up to the vet school for further examination. Charlie has been a vet for 40+ years and he says that he is completely stumped.
So really we are no further on than we were yesterday. I'm so relieved to have him back home - I kind of convinced myself that I was going to lose him! But I've got my boy home!
He's to have an almost liquid diet - anything small and not too hard to limit the chance of him having to use his jaw to crunch.
At the moment he can only open his mouth a maximum of 1-1.5". My fear is that this gap could close and then we have real problems. Has anyone come across a problem like this before? If so, would you please PM me and let me know any thoughts/ideas on what it could be!
Also, if he's referred to the vet school, how long, roughly, will I have to wait until he's seen? Are we talking days or months?
Thanks in advance
Who's more foolish - the fool, or the one who follows him?
Poor Freddy, I hope the Vet School can see him quickly. Your liquidiser is going to be working overtime, how about chicken soup with little pigs' ear croutons? I'm sure you will find lots of ingenious ways to make him nice dinners till he gets better.
Poor Freddy what a time he is having, hope the vet school can get to the root of the trouble. When your vet is doing the referral letter to the vet school for Freddy, he will probably stress that it is serious and maybe follow it up with a phone call. You find that if it is urgent they can see you within the week.
Thinking of you and your boy, give him a hug from me.
Poor Freddy, he must be feeling uncomfortable When Millie was referred to the vet school for her heart problem, they had an appt made withing a week and a half im sure. Its pretty quick and as Nikki's says, it'll hopefully be mega quick as its kinda urgent
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."