Hi Folks, well you may have seen a few posts under the events sections, we've been encouraging you guys to root down the backs of your sofa's for those old pennies then hand them to GAL for the Kennel Fund. You can hand your coppers in at any GAL event or contact me for more info on david@gal.org.uk or 0870 888 7277..
We've had a huge amount of loose change donated at our events and walks this past few months since we launched this idea and today was the day for it all to be counted (this gave me an excuse to sit my bum in front of the 3 World Cup games and ignore the phone for a while..)
All the change we've had donated so far has now been counted and it's quite an amazing total so far -
£58.20 in 1p's
£83.08 in 2p's
£23.45 in 5p's
£10.50 in 10p's
£12.00 in 20p's
£5.50 in 50p's
£6 in £1 coins
plus some generous person with two tenners stuck in a bag of coppers!
The grand total then so far is £218.73...
In addition to this total I've now also got an interesting collection of currency -
EUROS - 20.13
US Dollars - 52 Cents
POLAND - 50 Groszy
CANADA - 10 Cents
SPAIN - 5 Pesetas
FRANCE - 2 Francs
Republic of Ireland - 2 Punts
JAPAN - 10 Yen (atleast I think thats what it is - it has a nice picture of a pagoda on it..
UK - 10 old half pence peices
UK - 1 old 50p from 1977
UK - 1 old 10p from 1968
UK - 8 old 'thrupenny bits' the oldest dating from 1936
so if anyone has any ideas on what I can do with this lot please let me know!!..
Thanks to everyone who's donated so far, keep collecting!