We're just wondering if anyone else out there has a dog or dogs who are as accident prone as our Caspar ?
He has scars all over from various scrapes.....once he was viciously bitten by a spaniel (that's his proudest scar!) then he ran into a branch in the woods and has a scar on his chest from that....two weeks ago he tore offf his dew claw in the field and just this weekend he seems to have been bitten or stung on his nose and had a swollen snout all weekend !!
He is such a calamity !
We are starting to think it's all just a ploy to keep the pigs ears coming....one look at those sorrowful eyes and a pathetic paw held up for sympathy....oh alright then....poor Caspar pup!!
Blue went through a period of accidents when we first got him including braking his toe and badly cutting his back leg on a broken coffee cup which had smashed as he tried to pinch it out the dish washer. Touch wood things have calmed down a bit. Blue's girlfriend Janie is rather accident prone as I'm sure Nikki would agree!
Yes wee Janie is rather accident prone she has been bitten by a snake twice, run in to rocks and nearly broke both her front legs, attacked by another dog, ripped the skin off the leg on a unit in the diningroom to name but a few so Janie and Blue are well suited on all fronts including accidents!
It's a greyhound thing, isn't it? Not being used to living in a house etc.
On her first day, Piper ran into the French windows, obviously not familiar with glass. I've only just removed the parcel tape that we put up for deterrent!
Every time I let her off the lead, she comes back with scratches and scrapes on her legs.
She also bangs her head on furniture daily; not helping her IQ!
Ziggy doesn't really do enough to risk injury but Vernon regularly yelps in pain at something.
He cut the pad on his paw on Tuesday which has now fine. This evening when he was off lead in the secure garden in the park I called him over and he banged into the bench as he couldn't stop in time!
He regularly gets his paw stood on as he is always under my feet. So yes I'd say they can be prone to accidents.
Charlie was a disaster on legs with cuts on legs, head and face and really messed himself up after deciding to chew a hole in and go through chicken wire! ouch!! His worst disaster was getting hit by a car after a fence panel blew down!
Chad is trying to emulate Charlie and when he gets a cut he keeps on biting and licking (he has a heavy duty fabric plaster on one leg at the moment, I figured by the time he gets it off the cut will have healed up!
Gouged a strip of skin off his leg while chasing a ball right into a fence
Broken a front tooth chasing a ball that went off course onto concrete
Nicked his ear running into a briar (looked like he had spent an afternoon on the rampage in a slaughterhouse, boy can ears bleed!)
Cut his paw 3 times
And last weekend he cut his leg playing chase with Sherry. Bizarrely, when we got home there was no sign on blood on him, but Sherry's was bleeding although it wasn't at the time.
Honestly! I grew up with Shelties & I had a Rough Collie before Sandy and never had so much as a cut paw. What is it about these daft pups???