Thought folk here would find this link useful for many greyhound health issues it covers many topics from toenails falling off to bloodworks Personally I think Dr Stack makes interesting reading, hope you think so too.
Also, we have noticed that recently there has been quite a bit of interest in the blood values, and the above mentioned Dr Stack has wrote many papers on the subject, so we felt it would be helpful to also place a link to Blood Values.
****************************************** But please do pay particular attention to the NOTE on the website about the information (copied and pasted below to be a reminder) This is something that we feel should always be remembered :)
The information contained within is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or provide a treatment plan for your Greyhound. If your Greyhound is exhibiting signs of illness, contact your veterinarian immediately.
We found the differences in blood values very useful as Tilly was tested for hypothyroidism and her results came back as being low and the vet wanted to put her on tablets for this. Luckily i'd seem the posting put on about the differences and asked the vet to look into it further. This she did and she then came back that Tilly's results were normal for greys. So thankfully Tilly didn't end up on tablets for the rest of her life uneccessarily. Think everyone should print out the blood values and give it to their vet!