Had Neo away to his favourite park today and he sneezed constantly while sniffing about and by the time we got home his nose was dripping like a tap. He was totally fine again within half an hour but i'm sure i remember him being much the same the last time the grass cutters had just finished.
We must have looked a sorry sight on the way home..me with my eyes streaming and him with his drippy nose!
Dogs don't suffer from hayfever, but some pollens cause irritations which cause them to sneeze. Saska was terrible with it last week for at least 5 mins, I thought she was trying to be a record breaker 'the dog who sneezed for ...... minutes'
Harry snuffles and sneezes for Scotland when he's out and about in the long grass. It doesn't seem to bother Pearly so much, but then she's not quite the doggy vaccuum cleaner that he is!
I wondered about hayfever too. Both of mine have been sneezing well, often delightfully with a mouth full of food (uck)! Em and the delightful food sneezers Tig and Chad xx
Tilly gets a runny nose occassionally too and she does insist on sniffing the grass in the park just after it's been cut and wonders why she sneezes!!! Even after sneezing countless times she still insists on sniffing it - there must be some really incredible doggy smells that she just has to sniff!