I know that chocolate is listed as a food that can poison a pet but can anyone tell me just how great a risk it is?
Neo can sniff out chocolate (or anything else) at 50 paces and the problem is the park where i normally walk him is right next to a primary school. He is forever finding dropped sweets and chocolate in the grass and he has swallowed it before i can stop him. Today he had what looked like a chunk of Dairy milk from the quick glimpse i got of it before it was gone and he was licking his lips.
I don't want to change his walk, he loves the kids and the attention when they all make a fuss of him but obviously i don't want to put him at risk. Am i being a bit paranoid about it since it's not very much. He never gets chocolate at home.
Both my dogs have stolen chocolate before. Once ziggy stole almost a whole packet of penguins when I was out. Fortunately they have not had any ill effects from it and everything is well out of reach now. They also pick things up off the street before I can stop them. I think the darker the chocolate the bigger the risk
Jenny is right - the higher the cocoa content of the chocolate, the worse it is. I think it's something to do with the theobromines in the chocolate, but don't ask me what that means! This is quite a useful website.
Nora will tell you that Cas once snaffled a whole box of chocs not too long ago and had a dodgy tummy for a while, but was otherwise fine. Thank goodness!
Thanks for the link to that site it was agreat help.
Don't think he is stealing enough for it to be a problem so it has put my mind at rest...and schools are off for seven weeks so no more treats to be found. However will he cope!!!!