Poor Dan our Greyhound had his outside toe on his left front foot amputated on Wed so he will not be going to the Gala day!!!!
John had the three dogs up the braes when Dan came back with what looked like his claw bleeding, when John got him to the vets they discovered that in fact he had broken a bone in his toe at the nail, the piece of bone still attached would have caused infection so the best thing for him was to take the whole toe away!!!! He is of course very sorry for himself but just takes everything in his stride, we have had him for 5yrs and he still does not wag his tail but we know that he loves us because he is always coming up for great big cuddles!!
Out of our three dogs Dan is so accident prone and always seems to be going to the vets for something!! I'm almost thinking we should not let him off the lead so that he stops hurting himself, I'm just worried that one day it could be really serious!
Poor wee chap - please don't blame yourself as I am sure the others will all testify greyhounds have paper thin skin.
Rusty went out into our garden and cut his ear open on a rose-bush. We did not notice until he came in and shook (our hall looked like the scene of some kind of murder! He proceeded into the lounge shaking his ears all the way I think we never ever found all the blood and kept seeing it until we re-decorated!He had to wear a sock for a couple of days because every time it healed he shook and opened it up again!
Our Charlie was a terror and had a really strong chase instinct that was his down-fall .He used to get in so many scrapes we just lost count. Firstly, within hours of getting him he went through chicken wire (he used his teeth to clip out a hole) and cut all his face in the process.Rusty never bothered with the chicken-wire (in the hedge for added protection). We had to rip the hedge out and put in a fence all around us to keep Charlie in! After that he chased a cat in our garden that he caught who clawed all his face open again. And I was worried for the cat thinking that the dog was meant to win....He also ran down a bank that was knee high in cow parsley (we couldn't see him) again after a cat (kevin was left with an empty collar and lead - he just backed out of it) He came back with cut feet as there was glass in the water.Finally, he ran away after one of our fence panels blew down whilst he was in the garden. This time he was not so lucky and had to be rushed to the local vet hospital after being run down by a vehicle (we never found out what hit him). We nursed him all week and carried him to bed every night with us, it really was touch and go for that week. After that he never ever left our side again and was so different to walk.
Even our mild mannered Tig broke his tail (by too much wagging - against a wall!)
As for Chad he has been pretty well behaved up until now (paws crossed)!
I think it depends on their level of chase instinct. The real chasers do not appear to feel pain while they are engaged in the excitement of a chase. It is only afterwards that they are left feeling sorry for themselves!
Poor Dan, hope he recovers well. Neo also had a toe amputated but it was before i adopted him so not sure how quickly he got over it..It was one of the weight bearing toes on a front leg and it doesn't bother him one little bit now, although he is prone to corns on the little stump and i'm sure thats because it rubs on the ground so much.