I've seen this article a number of times but I felt it was so shocking some of you may want to read about it. It is a few years old. The story of a greyhound called Angel. The case is from Limerick in Eire where animal protection and attitudes to animals have only begun to improve in recent years believe it or not. It shows the dedication of those fighting against cruelty and old attitudes to the care and treatment of animals.
*THE PICTURES ARE UPSETTING* It has a happy ending though Angel's story
This is the first time i have seen this story and i found it really upsetting, the cruelty of some children these days is just unbelievable but i still lay most of the blame with the parents
I know not everyone is in a position to have a pet but that is no excuse for not teaching their children basic respect and care for all living creatures. My son came home from school just last week in tears because he saw an injured baby bird in the street and he wasn't able to help it and he even made me go out to look and see if it was still there. It wasn't and i had to spend the rest of the evening assuring him that it was probably just stunned and had made it back to it's nest rather than let him think a cat had got it.
How in Gods name can a human being allow a dog to get into that state, it brings tears to my eyes looking at those pictures. As for the children it is ridicules that these children can be caught physicaly hurting and abusing the dog and get away with a slap on the wrist, the law is an ass. I am only glad there are people out there trying their damndest to make things right. Nora
That is absolutely appalling! Do the parents of these little nightmares not feel they have some sort of responsibility to ensure that their horrors are behaving in a decent manner.
It's at times like this that you wish you could take the law into your own hands. I don't think I could take responsibility for my actions if I caught them! Think I'd better steer well clear of Limerick!
Given the circumstances - for example in totalitarian regimes - boys like that graduate to becoming full time torturers, or professional soldiers happy to commit 'atrocities'. - Very often, of course, they are children who've grown up as constant victims of casual violence at home. They feel powerless towards the adults who torment them and therefore exercise their own power over the more helpless. It's still sickening, though.
That is horrific. How can anyone want to do such a thing? It makes me so angry, theres no excuse. Ok, maybe they have troubles at home, but surely these kids have organsations to phone ie Childline or similar, rather than kill puppies and torture young dogs to sort their problems out. Definitely stay away from that part of Ireland.