After a long time in the kennels Jacky has come across to stay in Edinburgh with Ian and Emma. We got Jacky two weeks ago today and we're all in a routine and things are going really well.
I got a bit of a shock the first week as I didn't realise that Jacky would be need to be socialised with other dogs. I knew Jacky had had a bad experience with cats so when Jacky started whining and lunging at every dog he met I was petrified at what may happen. What also made this worse was he seemed able to shake of his muzzle which was constantly uncomfortable for him. The first few day's walking Jacky was not good fun I was a nervous wreck - then I met with Siouxsie my GAL volunteer. I found out I was doing a few things wrong.
Firstly I had been putting the muzzle upside down (poor Jacky the vet didn't even notice this when I took him) plus Siouxie showed me how to socialise Jacky with other dogs. It was still tough for the first few days but I am pleased to say he's now fine with most dogs down to pugs and jack russels. I was practically jumping for joy when he sniffed a Westie arse - tail wagging (I'm sure passers by thought I was some sort of dog pervert). We have not mastered minature sausage dogs/ some small toy dogs as he gets too excited before he gets near then but I'm amazed at how well he's doing. I'm sure he'll be fine with all dogs soon. He's calmed down a lot and is a chilled oot doggie.
We've met some cats and squirrels and although he gets excited he calms down pretty quickly once we're past. Thankfully I knew that he needs the muzzle and lead at all times.
I now love our walks - I'm really thankful for the Gal support - we really needed it! This is from Rachel and Eddie at the kennel putting up with me struggling to choose between Jacky and banjo, Dave and Liz showing me the true Jacky (plus telling me about the gentle leader which has been really useful) and Siouxie putting up with me moaning about Jacky lunging at other dogs.
I look forward to the next GAL walk - Jacky loves meeting other dogs especially Grey hounds. I also like hearing all the tips - how do you get a dog to go out in the rain to toilet when all your treats don't motivate him?