Tyler is on bed rest from today as advised by the vet.
About 2 weeks ago Tyler slipped on a slope when out walking (on lead). After that she seemed fine apart from one leg being stiff everytime she got up after lying down. When she went out walking the stiffness eased off and she was walking great. But after so many days of this with no sign of the stiffness going away, we tried Arnica pillettes for a few days, and hot & cold treatment on her leg. Then over the past few days it started to get worse; just limping the whole time. We noted that she had over exerted her leg on a couple of occasions - jumping up quickly from lying down & frolicking round the garden in excitement in typical greyhound style.
So a trip to the vet's became imminent today. The vet said it looks like cruciate ligament injury and possible cartilage damage too (as her leg may have twisted when she slipped). One Metacam injection for her and a nice snuggy day on the sofa! She will go back to the vet this Friday for a sedative/anaesthetic to get an X-ray and a thorough examination.
Aww, poor Tyler. Hope she gets better soon. Our wee Gemmie has snapped cruciate ligaments in both her back legs before and was also given Metacam, but in tablet form and it was great for her and after a wee while she was back walking. Although she didnt get treated to the comfort of the sofa!! She has taken a turn for the worse and is just managing to walk again after a weeks rest. However, she is the grand old age of 12 so she's not done badly for a little dog!
Poor Tyler the wee angel soldiered on in her walk around Balloch not whimpering once. Hope all goes well on Friday hearing other experiences gives us hope and that spirit she showed will win through.
Hi Lita - sorry to hear about Tyler's leg. I know a couple of dogs who have suffered cruciate ligament damage. Both were unable, for different reasons, to have an operation, but both made a good recovery.
They both had to have restricted exercise over quite a long time and one of them did very well with swimming therapy at a special hydrotherapy pool. I know swimming is not a greyhound's favourite hobby, but if you do consider it the dog wears a buouancy aid, and the owner can go in the pool with the dog for reassurance.
I'll keep my fingers crossed that the damage is not major.
Lesley, That sounds promising that 2 dogs you know of recovered well from the same thing. Our vet has a hydrotherapy pool and our insurance covers complementary therapies too. So will definitely look ahead with optimism now!
Tyler had her X-rays done and the diagnosis is cartilage damage rather than ligament. She is on Metacam for 2 weeks and short walks only, and will get a progress check at the vets at the end of the 2 weeks.
She came home from the vets looking rather sorry for herself. The sedative wasn't enough to get her in the right positions for the X-rays, so they had to use anaesthetic. She decided she was only ready to eat her light supper at 1am!!
I had to come out in sympathy with Tyler, as yesterday my foot got caught on a plastic bag on a pavement resulting in me falling in the street and have ended up with a sore swollen knee (on top of an old knee injury), and a bruised hand. Could have been worse!! So we are both hop alongs now Time for me to try the Arnica!
Hope Tyler continues to recover over the next two weeks before her check up
Try to avoid any plastic bags from now on Lita, hope the swelling goes down soon. I did the same thing a few years ago and broke one of my fingers, didn't notice the pain at the time cos i got up as quick as i went down, totally embarrased
It is with great sadness I say this; Tyler's sore leg has resulted in a diagnosis of bone cancer. The vet suspected bone cancer about 2 weeks ago when a 2nd set of X-rays showed deterioration in the bone, and a recent biopsy has confirmed this. Nothing about cancer is straightforward, as the biopsy does not confirm if the cancer is present also in another part of the body or isolated to the leg. The vet will enquire further with the laboratory that did the tests to see if there's any more info available. Another option is to get another biopsy done with larger samples being taken. We will consider this once we've spoken to the vets again next week.
Tyler only gets short walks and has been prescribed a stronger pain killer. This couldn't be at a worse time of year for the girl because of those damned fireworks
We take one day at a time.
I would like to add that reading about other people's experiences of the same illness on the forum has helped me, in that I realise what lies ahead for us.
Lita, I am so sorry to hear this. i have never experienced anything like this, so cannot give you any advice. I just hope that everything works out as well as it can for Tyler and I know that you will do whatever is best for her. She is lucky to have you and John giving her the best care and love possible. Thinking of you. Jane
"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give."
Poor Tyler. What a dreadful outcome. I hope she is as comfortable as is possible and enjoying life as best she can. At least she's got people around her who love and understand her. We'll be thinking of you all.
I'm so sorry to hear about Tyler's illness. I can only echo what Jane says that you and John will give Tyler the best care as you always have. Keep us posted on how she's getting on.
Lita, i am so sorry for you all. I know how much you and John love your two and you must be heartbroken. Tyler could not be in better hands and she knows how much you love her.
So sorry to hear about your awful news. We know what you're going through, our last lurcher, Eeyore, had cancer and it is absolutely horrible when it's diagnosed and going through it all with them. It's very obvious how much you both adore both Tyler and Max and we're sure you'll do the very best for her.
Am sure everyone on the forum will be thinking of you and will be there for you.
I am so sorry about Tyler - I know we have spoken on the phone, but nonetheless wish to reiterate my absolute and heartfelt sympathy for your situation with Tyler.