Arden Grange is an excellent complete food used by many owners on the forum.
Recently those of us who use Arden Grange, and are within reach of the kennels at Langbank, got together and, through Eddie at the kennels, managed to get the food at a reduced price (because Rachel and Eddie can bulk buy and store it).
As a result 15kg breeder bags are available to anyone who can collect from Langbank for the following prices:
Adult Dog Chicken and Rice £21/15kg (regular price £27.99) Adult Dog Lamb and Rice £21/15kg (regular price £26.99) Adult Dog Salmon and Rice £25/15kg (regular price £32.99) Prestige also available by request at £28/18kg (regular price £38.99)
This is a great opportunity to obtain high quality food at very competitive prices. If you would like to purchase some then phone: 01475 540115, or Eddie's mobile: 07803 595963
We get ours at a reduced price from an equestrian supply at Stenhousemuir just on the outskirts of Falkirk. It doesnt come in shiny bags or anything, just brown bag with a large label on the front. Its mainly breeders who buy it so its cheaper. No need to buy in bulk either
I think much the same as Lesley's quoted prices. We buy Adult Lamb and Rice at £20.99, and Light at £21.99. Its called Russell's Country Store, Larbert, 01324 55 55 35
I think all the Adult varieties (eg, Lamb and rice, chicken and rice) are £20.99 and I know for sure that the salmon one is more expensive, £24.99 or there abouts. We also buy sawdust for our guinea-pigs and gerbils there, as you can get a huge bag for only £5. I got my wellies from there aswell. (and yes, they have dogs on them!! )
Is this offer still available - can we still get AG through the Langbank kennels? I'm going to try two of my three on it as Tigger seems to have developed an intolerance to something. She's been on Eukanuba Intestinal for the last couple of weeks and is managing on Eukanuba light (last couple of days) but if I can get a good quality hypoallergenic food, I'll try her on that and, all going well, her and Millie can go onto the same stuff.
Mason's on the adult lamb and rice and it works well for him. I don't think its quite below 20%, its about 22% I think, but doesn't make Mason hyper... Give him cooked chicken breast however and he's the Tasmanian Devil Marie
Hi, Just wondered what else you give her to eat?Put the AG down for 15 mins.don't make a fuss and don't stress after the time is up go in and remove it ,again don't say or do anything,try this each time you feed her,don't give her treats or anything,if you stress about it she will pick up on your adrenalin and she will associate that scent with her food and it will put her off eating,I know you will feel bad not giving her anything but she will eat if she's hungry enough try it for a couple of days,if she doesn't start to eat it you might want to try a different variety,failing that she's maybe one of the few dogs that doesn't like it.!!!Don't make the mistake of opening everything in the cupboard,chances are she'll only eat them once or twice then stop.I've seen this happen loads and loads of times.You might want to keep an eye on her in case she's a bit off colour,then of course you could have a chat with your vet.Hope some of this is useful.
At the risk of being accused of pandering, Mason was the same after a few months (probably because he got a taste for treats). I now give him 300g of Arden Grange with a tin of sardines in tomato sauce twice a week and 150g of Butchers Choice the rest of the week. He eats it all, his coat is great and, more importantly his poo is more solid than when I gave him the dry food on its own! I do find it hilarious though when he takes a fussy turn and I watch him take a mouthful, spit the Arden Grange bits into his water bowl and eat the other stuff. Marie
I did have trouble when Jet first got \AG he wouldn't eat it then eventually ate about half and left the rest eating it really slowly, this is VERY unlike Jet it went on for about 2 days then he started eating it ok so we put it down to him maybe not feeling great.
Maybe because she has no competition from other dogs she is content to leave it. Mason free feeds at home cos he's an only dog. It suits me since we leave v. early during the week and its hard enough to get him up never mind feed him before we leave, so I can give him all his food in the evening. I usually find he eats some when its put down, some when we come back from our night walk and the rest during the night (I occasionally wake up to the sound of munching at 3am). I worried about how he would adapt when I went on holiday and he was boarding with other dogs but it only took him a day to understand that when there are rivals he should empty his bowl when its put down in the morning and in the evening. He's not daft and I don't think Misti is either Marie