I asked this a while ago as Millie does a lot aswell. apparently it means they are happy and contented. Millie also does it when she's excited. If im at the front door getting my shoes on, she leans on me chattering her teeth coz she knows she's going a walk. Its meant to be a sign of affection so dont panic
So since Kai loves his mummy so much, will he be staying?
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."
I dont know much about teeth chattering, but Rosie will often standing blowing out her cheeks It's very funny to watch, but I have no idea why she does it or what it means
Bob does it when hes excited, and Ruby does it when she's enjoying a long cuddle or getting brushed. Bob also huffs and puffs, kind of blowing when he's excited.
Dave and Tom did this before there were neutered, but only if they were sniffing where a bitch had done a wee Tom occasionally does it when he's asleep and, presumably, dreaming of catching the hare !
Tom has a habit of breathing in thru his nose and out thru his mouth - he doesn't open his mouth to do this so his lips sort of whiffle - it's really sweet and sounds like a horse whiffling
With Zak we call it wuffling and is a combination of teeth chattering and cheek blowing in his case. He does it all of the time especially when he wants something like a walk or a bit of what you are eating.
Neo does this and i've always just assumed it's excitement since he tends to do it if we are out and he sees another dog or when i bring his lead out and he knows he is going for a walk.
Not seen Sally do it much, just the once when she spotted a cat!!
Piper's a chatterbox, too, especially first thing in the morning when she's been let into our bedroom and is saying good morning, rolling on her back and getting cuddles.
Here's an add-on question: does the chattering wear down their teeth? Piper's two bottom front teeth are noticeably worn for a 3-year-old, more than Bonnie's who's nearly 6 (and never chatters, being a lurcher).
I think it's so sweet when they do the teeth chattering thing. Millie (although she is a lurcher) does it lots. Usually when I come home and go to speak to her or when we're about to go out the door for a walk. Like the other Millie, she leans on me while she's doing this. Tigger also chatters at us when we give her a cuddle or she's excited. I think it's so cute!
Wills puffs his cheeks at us when he's shouting (usually when Tigger or Millie have nicked his toy).
Pearly does it when she's being cuddled, Harry does it when he's anticipating a tasty treat. You can tell who is ruled by their heart and who is ruled by their stomach with our twp!