Hope you are all getting ready for this. I've had various tabs before for Rosie but can't say I notice much of a difference. Just bought Tranquill drops from vet chem and hopefully this will be better. Says very effective so we shall see. She generally quivers in a corner. Doesn't want comforted but she's at my heals if I leave the room. I generally turn the tv up a little and ignore her. Lenny is ok. The guard dog in him comes out and he likes to go out and check all is well. No idea what Ruby will be like so fingers x she isn't one of the unlucky ones.
That is the best picture I have seen in a long time!! I love it. Is it Rosie with the devil horns on? - I just love how it looks as though she just has horns and no ears, its fantastic. The horns and hat just look as though they fit perfectly. Brilliant
"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give."
Lenny is wearing the horns and Rosie the witches hat. The latter is actually meant for a child. Made of felt and attatched to an alice band. Perfect fit. Lenny doesn't bother but Rosie really would rather be left out. Need to get something sorted for Ruby but have a feeling she won't be all that patient or obliging. Watch this space!!