I've not posted much on the forum this week as i have had some bad news that for once isn't directly about the dogs but i'm sure you lot will understand my concerns as no-one i speak to at my end seems to!!
I have been feeling a bit out of sorts for a while now and have been having some tests done and it turns out to be quite serious. The have found some growths on my womb etc and i need to have a hysterectomy and possibly some follow up treatment afterwards. My first thought when i was told about how long it might take to get over the op was "how am i going to look after my ten year old, the baby and the dogs as a single parent with very little family and friends who all work full- time and couldn't help even if they wanted to". I've lost count of the amount of health professionals who have told me that help with the baby can possibly be arranged but i might have to get "rid of the dogs"
I'm not really sure what is going to happen but i know that Neo and Sally are going no-where and having to walk them every day is all the motivation i will need to get better quicker. I'm trying to think positively about it all and have decided that at least while i'm recovering i will have more time to post on the forum
Of course we'll be keeping our fingers crossed for you. How horrible, not to mention insensitive it is of these "health professionals" telling you you may have to get rid of your dogs. What happened to all this "pets as therapy" that you hear about these days. I'm sure a way round this can be found. If I lived in Dundee (isn't it), I'd happily walk the dogs for you, couldn't make any promises about children however Dunoon is a bit far away.
Wish I could offer more help.
Will be thinking of you.
Karen & hounds.
P.S. I do realise that pets as therapy is somewhat different but I can't imagine a better incentive (as you said) to getting better quickly.
Hi Gail, Sorry to hear about your medical problems, but from what I have observed from your topics and replies is that you seem like a very strong resourceful woman and I would think that one way or another you will get through this children and dogs all intact. How very insensitive of the proffesional bodies to give you such bad news then dash your life even further by saying such a thing. Take care and vent your spleen out on us, if there was any physical way I could help I would, but you are to far away, so rant away on here and we will give you as much moral support as we can. Nora
Hi, Gail - I'm really sorry to hear about your health problems. I'm sure they mean well but those health professionals don't help when they tell you to get rid of the dogs. They musn't appreciate the stress that must put you under when they say such things. Nora is right, you're a toughie and you'll get through this. Look after yourself. We're all thinking of you.
Gail, I'm sorry to hear your bad news. Please feel free to rant on here to your heart's content!
Obviously, I live too far away to be of any practical help but hope you get it sorted. If the so-called health professionals want you to recover quickly, telling you to get rid of the dogs is absolutely NOT going to help - twits !
Hi Gail, so sorry to hear about your health problems, of course we will all keep our fingers crossed for you, if i lived closer i would only be to happy to help in any way i could, however all I can say is you know we are all here for you on the forum and will offer you our support.
So sorry to hear about your health problems. Of course I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you and hope everything works out OK. I'm too far away to be any practical use as well. But it really makes me wonder about the insensitivity of some people in the health service. You'd think they were trying to set you back. The forum's a great place to let off steam, so you fire away when you need to. Let us know how you get on. Good luck!
Our fingers are crossed and the dogs are crossing their paws. You'll get through this and the dogs will probably help more than hinder you, they are such loving, affectionate creatures. It never fails to amaze how insensitive some people can be about pets, its a total failure to understand the role they play in our lives and how important they are. I'm sure you'll be back on your feet in no time at all.
We're all thinking of you.
Jax, Barrie, Mike, Sally, Dan, Smokey and Kung.xxx
I know it may not help but.. My Mother went through the same 15 years ago.. She is still around and very very healthy too... She has since got into golf (yawn!) and has a better handicap that Dad (to his disgust..) She was told to focus on something in the future and it really did help her get through it..
Please be positive and think of your kids and greys.. Bugger to the rest of them and the health professionals!!!
Best wishes
Claire, Speedy, Foxy, Smoky and Dotty (last 3 are feline and give great big purrs to you..) One thing a dog can't do - he just snuffles/scratches/farts......
Just to say, we're thinking of you at this time. Hope all goes well for you.
I know you'll have thought of this, and I know, as you're like the rest of us, you'll be really fussy about where they go to, but, just in case, are you remembering that your dog insurance usually has an allowance for kennelling fees if you have to go into hospital? Just thought, it might be enough to cover the "iffy" period until you're ready to take over again!?
Anyway, good luck with the op, and hope you're soon back on your feet!
Hi Gail, just caught up on your posting and I'm sorry to hear your news. Hopefully your recovery will be quick and relatively painless. As far as the care of your dogs are concerned regarding walking etc. have you maybe looked at getting a dog walker in for the first few weeks at least? I use one when i'm dayshift and she's an invaluable help. They aren't too expensive but still an expense all the same when you have children, but you would always have a contact if you ever needed them looked after in an emergency.
Just wanted to say a massive thank you for all the lovely posts and personal messages i have received from so many of you, no surprise though because i think we all know that every single person on here has a heart of gold I have had as much support from all of you as i have had from people who have known me for years and i regard each and every one of you as a friend.
I have just spent a few days in hospital having some biopsy's done but am feeling very positive about everything and i am looking forward to catching up with all the goss now...
Thanks again for all your kind wishes, you are all stars
Hi everyone, just wanted to give you an update on my situation because you have all been so kind.
Had some great news, biopsy's have come back and my two growths are benign, consultant wants to remove them but not a full hysterectomy so still need an op but much smaller. I have been in hospital already for some treatment for cervical cancer, something called CIN3 but i had the same thing 16 years ago and after a few treatments i was absolutely fine so every reason to believe it will be the same this time. Obviously the power of positive thinking and all your kind messages have worked and i am feeling very relieved for the sake of my kids and my gorgeous but completely mad hounds..
Thanks again folks, your support and kindness is much appreciated
Was over the moon to hear your better than expected news....stay positive and look forward to the future,thoughts and prayers are with you mateStay Strongxxxxx
Dogs are not our whole life,but they make our lifes whole.........
See told you that you were a strong woman and you would get through this. I am so pleased for you, keep up the good work for the kids and your mad dogs. WELL DONE!!!!!!! Nora