I've been debating for months now whether or not to replace my single bed with a double one. Billy usually always sleeps on my bed when I'm not in it, but Lizzie has always preferred the floor. However, this week things have changed a little, and I think the decision to buy a bigger bed has been taken out of my hands...
PS this picture doubles up as a spot the difference competition. It even took me a few seconds to figure out which dog was which!!!
Think a double would def make things easier!! They both look very comfortable and like it'll be a regular occurance! Think once greys discover how comfy beds or sofas are you can't get them off!
Without a doubt! Lenny takes up loads of room and I've a kingsize. When my partner is up at the crack of dawn I kip with the hounds so there isn't even another person. He sprawls and even has the cheek to give a kick now and then!
No room for doubt there! Speedy wasn't supposed to come on the bed but guess what.. Glad I have a kingsize, it's no longer the luxury it was though as there always a snoring hound on it..
Just mix some live yoghurt into their supper - you don't want to be gassed..
Yes Claire....nothing worse than being gassed!!!!! Yogurt really work? Some nights when a hound has been a bit whiffy I've even sparayed my pillow with perfume!
I THINK yoghurt works.. I think it makes it better.. He certainly doesn't smell as much as he did....
I will say that since I have been feeding him yoghurt we don't get chased out of the pub for being smelly! When we go to the pub we are always on our way back from a walk and so he is "empty." He used to do horrid smells in there but not any more..
We are about to swap to Arden Grange food as I have read on this forum that it makes quite a difference to the smells and also the texture and as I have to poop scoop that is quite an important consideration...
If you stick Yoghurt into the "search" facility you will find what other people think. Thats why I started feeding it to Speedy. Charcoal biccies also seem to be quite good but I haven't tried them. I am utterly new to Greyhounds and have never even had a dog before; I am a mere beginner! This forum is full of fantastic advice - I never thought I would be learning about Greyhounds via the internet though!