Looking for a fab day out next Sunday 29th October 2006 (that's if you are not going along to the AGM), then remember we have our EDINBURGH monthly dog walk at Holyrood Park something we enjoy and have in common is walking our dogs and talking dogs - so get yourselves along to
WHERE? Holyrood Park in Edinburgh, meet in the St Margarets Loch Car Park (the Meadowbank end of the park!)
WHEN? Sunday 29th October @ 12 noon.
This is a fun informal activity where like minded people can get together to discuss all things four legged and exercise the pups at the same time.
We are hoping to be there on Sunday with Freya and Murphy. Hoping desperately that the weather improves as Murphy really doesn't like going out in the rain
Firstly to say sorry I wasn't about today, I really missed being there. And a Big Thank you to Nicki for hosting today. I have been promised photos and will post them here later.
Great turnout today 30+ dogs and included in them were a couple of foster dogs Luna and Freya, two lovely girls we have looking for their forever homes at present.
And many new faces, which is nice. Hope you all enjoyed the walk.
Glad the weather was nice for all the walkers today. Edinburgh was just a tad far to travel for us! Speedy looks like he was having a ball. Luna is just a wee sweetheart and all the hounds look so happy and well! It's great to see.
Looks like it was great fun. I had friends visiting so couldn't make it. One of these days!
I did a double-take at the first piccie, the big group shot. I could see wee Luna's head poking out and thought that Jennifer had smuggled Pearly up to Edinburgh for the day!
Fantastic photos and great to see so many hounds and owners, sorry we did not make it but we were away for that weekend but hope to make the next one. Nora
Caroline, you are one very lucky lady..Josh really is a beauty..Congrats on your new addition, i'm sure he will bring you many years of love and affection