1st of all as you all know we adopted Badger back in September,just got round to insuring him last Thursday,we.ve had Sanna insured from the day we got her,Thurday night was out our usual walk in the woods and Badger was on the Squirrel patrol along with Sanna next minute i just heard the most awful noise that will haunt me forever and the poor Badger reappearing from around a tree howling and holding his paw up as if to say please help me.being 38.75 in weight very hard to lift him but he managed to hobble home with Sanna right by his side we thought it might be a sprain or muscular so we left it overnight but come morning he was in agony.So appointment right away and the vet said looks muscular and gave us anti inflammatories,well weekend was ok till yesterday and Badger was becoming more lame so complete rest, we had an appointment to take him back this morning.
Meanwhile Sanna was away for her usual walk last night with Badger left cosing up on the bed,james brought her back home and i noticed the dreaded red stuff all over the hallway..aghhhhh yup poor Sanna had sliced her paw wide open,by this time i,m in such a state so we gathered our 1st aid kit and started to bandage and applied cut and heal but 2hrs later it was saturated in blood so off to A&E,turns out was a nasty cut and had to keep her in to stitch her up,i,m a nervous wreck by this time.the bill was a nasty shock to add to the trauma,£246.67 for 3 stitches,but our girl was gonny be fine which is the main thing,got her back home late last nite at 11pm slept all night and badger was doing his best to comfort her.
1st thing the morning Badger back at the vets,turns out he needs to have xray asap they think it,s more serious than muscular as in so much pain and also discovered his neck was very limp,vet had a quick feel around his head and neck and he was howling the vets down that much that 2 reception girls came running in to assist the vet, he doesn,t have the nature to turn, must have just been awfully painful so meanwhile i,m back home nursing Sanna and stomach is churning at the thought of phoning the vet back at 2 today to find the result,hence i,m typing away knowing that the support here is needed and boy we all need it wen time is tough. So i,m away to keep busy and will post how the big fella and Sanna are doing.....
,p.s phoned the insurance earlier turns out we are covered for Badger even though the policy was not even 24hrs into agreement,so that helps...thank god for insurance...sighs
Dogs are not our whole life,but they make our lifes whole.........
Oh my god, how traumatic!! I hope Badger is ok and its nothing to serious, and that poor Sanna gets better quick. Plenty rest for all and sardines for tea, should make it all better
Millie sends big licks and kisses for her sister and hugs to Badger
Let us know how they get on
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."
You must be worried sick. Here's hoping all turns out well with Badgers xray and that Sannas paw heals nice and quickly. I'm sure their recovery will be speedier with all the love and cuddles thet'll get. Keep us posted as to how things are going.
God, it's so horrible - we're all keeping our fingers and toes and everything else crossed for some good news from the vet about Badger's xrays. And here's hoping that Sanna's tootsie heals up soon too. What a bluddy worry our doggies can be!
Poor them. Hope it turns out to be not so serious with Badger and Sanna heals quickly. Your nerves must be shattered but hopefully all your bad luck is over now
How awful! Poor souls - there's nothing worse than nasty things happening to your doggies. I hate it when we have to go to the vet - terrified it'll be bad news!
Hope Sanna's paw heals quickly and, please, let us know how Badger is asap!
Many thanks for all the kind wishes and positive thoughts todaymeans a lot
Anyhows we just picked Badger up from vets and he has stunned the vets and us he has a fracture on the underside of his neck the vets say they have never seen an injury like this before trust our Badger,along with a busted shoulder,the shoulder will heal through time and love and affection although the neck will probably take much longer there is nothing they can do apart from heavy duty painkillers and anti inflammatories and plenty of TLC...they have heavily sedated him and said we will have to liquidise all his food as it is just under his jaw making it difficult to swallow, he has to go back next week if not before,to get more xrays and we will just have to play the waiting game to see if it will knit together they seam pretty positive it will.....
They say it might take mnths but i,m just so glad to have him home think i might have gave myself an ulcer through all the worry Sanna went wild wen she seem him , lix all round she is whining every time she puts weight on her sore paw....she,ll be fine in no time ware as badger is gonny be a long progress but thats what we are here.the joys of parenthood lol..feeling a lot better james has just gave him few cubes of chicken and he,s managed a few bits...looks like the liquidising might be on hold...thats ma boy...will keep you all updated in his progress meanwhile Sanna back tomorrow for check up and antibiotics....take care to all and will sleep better tonite knowing i have my babies home.....
Dogs are not our whole life,but they make our lifes whole.........
Poor you,Sanna and Badger what a time they have had and your nerves.Hope both are feeling better soon, sooner rather than later and they give you no more worries. All the very best. and from Cas and Sasha. Nora
-- Edited by max at 19:17, 2006-10-30
Poor Badger and poor you being sick with worry. TLC and lots hugs and rest will hopefully do the trick. Hope things pick up soon for Badger and not forgetting Sanna too.
Sorry to hear Badger & Sanna have been 'through the wars'. Poor you too, with the worry. Hope Badger takes it easy and makes a good recovery, and Sanna too. They are definitely like babies when they're not well. These things always seem to happen all at once.
Look forward to hearing that they're both making a good recovery.
Poor man! What a nasty injury! I hope Sanna and Badger cuddle up to you and that there is some mutual tlc going on. Sounds like you need some as much as him and Sanna do!
Oh my god that all just sounds horrendous. Hope Badger takes it easy and has a good recovery and Sanna too. Your nerves must be shot to bits, what an awful time you have had.
What a dreadful time you've had! Hope Sanna and Badger are feeling a lot better soon. Sounds like you need a big cuddle and a large glass of wine too (to help with your nerves of course)! Give Sanna and Badger big hugs from me and let us know how they're getting on.
How awful. What on earth did he do to get an injury like that? He certainly won't be getting up to much for some time. Unusual to have pads stitched as normaly don't take. Must have been terribly bad. So you've two invalids for the moment then. Bad enough with one! Hope Badger makes a good recovery and of course Sanna will heal in time too.