Some of you may know that I have recently become GAL webmaster. I am looking for some help from all of you. I have the pages on my server and need people to have a quick look over them to check all of the links and pages are correct. If the pages are all present and correct I will then make them live.
The pages can be viewed using the following links:
The links between the sites take you to the old site at the moment so if people could look at each separately using the urls (web addresses) above.
If you find any problems please either post them as comments here or e-mail me at gal @ silverhippo . com
Thanks for your help. Claire
[edit] At the moment all the pages are the same as they were on the old site the first job is to get them all transfered then we should have some updates.
Folks, as if by magic all the GAL websites have now been moved over to their new corner of cyberspace, if you are quietly browsing and find something amiss please email and we'll get it fixed!