Does anyone else out there have a dog that is worse than a child when it comes to Christmas excitement?
Tigger is going mental! She has already unwrapped one of the dog presents, has stuck her nose through the paper on a couple of presents, we have claw marks on the wrapping paper of three others, run off with the bows etc while I'm trying to wrap, tried to steal labels off other people's gifts, has stuck her nose onto every present we've wrapped so that they've all got nose prints on them, knocked over the cards umpteen times and is having great fun batting the baubles on the tree!!!
This'll be the first christmas that we've had Tilly and so far when I tried to wrap a present she grabbed the roll of wrapping paper when I was out the room and tried to carry the role to her bed. When I had the roll unrolled on the lounge floor ready to wrap the present she thought that it would be a good idea to walk right across the paper!
Ha ha i was laughing when i read that post! It sounds like she's having great fun, thinking all the bows and presents are there for her benefit. I havent done any wrapping yet but i know when i have previously wrapped presents that the dogs always stand on the paper when its rolled out on the floor!
Havent done my doggy xmas shopping yet but i think they'll be gettingnew collars and some pigs ears and might get Willow and nice new bed for xmas
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."
This is Mason's first Christmas with me so I'm looking forward to his reactions. He hasn't even investigated the tree which went up on Saturday, but it is artificial so it may just be he's smart enough to know its no fun. The cards however are knocked over every day by his waggy tail. Can't wait to see what he does when I give him a wrapped roast pork knuckle on the day tho!
So far my tree has escaped unscathed........can't say the same for the Santa and Snowman who used to live underneath it though, they have definately seen their last christmas
Neither Neo nor Sally is owning up though so i have a feeling it was a joint effort!!
Lenny loves Christmas! Doesn't do a sneaky and open pressies before the day but when xmas day comes we can hardly open our own cause he wants to open them all! He claims all the new toys for himself and no one gets a look in. Rosie has to wait till he's bored before she gets hers. She's used it it now as this is the 5th they've shared together. She doesn't open pressies either. Lenny would happily oblige given the chance. Ruby's first xmas with us so that'll be interesting.
So, she's not alone! That's a bit of a relief. I know how you feel, like Lenny, Tigger loves opening anything that might be a present for her. She opened most of my birthday presents for me this year too.
So far Jasper is the only one to try it on with the christmas tree. 3am last Friday morning redecorating the tree after he trailed it down!!
Vernon and Ziggy are coming to Ireland with me for Christmas. They haven't been to my Mum's house before so she is... nervous...
I don't think we'll be able to keep the pressies under the tree (certainly not a doggy present, he would sniff that at twenty paces) as Vernon is so nosey and will steal anything. Can't wait!!!
My decorations won't be put up until tomorrow, but Betty rummaged in the box today and pulled out the largest stocking, then headed off to her bed with it. Smart move for a ten year old greyhound spending her first Christmas ever in a home, bless her!