Hope you all a very relaxing Christmas. I certainly did as did the hounds.
Buit as usual there were a few episodes lol. This time it was Trei and Cleo. I was having a very lazy day. The goose was nearly ready for the oven. The giblets etc were in the pan ready.
Id just finished a massive ironing ( can you believe it Christmas morning - but I get so behind) So after knocking some 'bubbly' thought I have wee brak before getting the gooze in the oven I was busy writing some chritmas e mails when I though I heard a wee noise from the kitcken.Sure enough Trei and Cleo had quietly moved in noses twitching. The raided the pan of giblets and made off to my bew withere haul.
So there they were downing raw goose neck, liver heart etc on my bed. I retieved as much as I could but they had scoffed quite abit already.
They always look so happy just like Mick when he does something like that. A loook of tremendous satisfaction and pleasue. Stolen food always seem to taste so much better.
Fortunatley the goose was left and it was coooked to perfection later in the day. Was very tasty.