Just had along chat with the vet on the phone and it looks as though Neo will probably be having at least part of his tail amputated tomorrow. He is not due to go back to the vet until Monday but more than a week after he was hurt his tail is still bleeding and is now ulcerated and just a mess. He is howling every time i try to touch it and when he tries to get up he keeps standing on it and making it worse!!
This is the last day of his antibiotics and pain relief and i could not bear to watch him suffer all weekend so the vet will assess him in the morning and make a final decision on whether his tail can be saved but he has to have nothing to eat first thing so that if it has to be operated on they can do it tomorrow. I personally think they will have to operate but still praying for a miracle!! Although i would rather have him pain free without a part of his tail.
Hope they can save Neo's tail,poor love but if it makes you feel a bit better Cas only has half a tail which was removed before we got her from GAL and it does not bother her in the slightest and she can still wag it like a helicopter blade! Nora
Thanks Nora, makes me feel a lot better. I remember reading about Jazzy before he was re-homed and seeing the pics of his little stumpy tail....i'm sure his foster home said he never stopped wagging it And i'm sure they won't have to remove too much, i'm just looking forward to seeing him back to his old self
Gail, my thoughts are with you and Neo for the vet's visit. Here's hoping for that miracle but, if it doesn't happen, I'm sure he'll be fine when he's healed properly xxxxx
Just back home from the vet's surgery and have had to leave Neo there
They are planning on amputating around 6 inches from the end of his tail, a bit upset about him having to go through another op but i know it's the best decision. it even started to bleed again in the waiting room and he howled when the vet examined him so i think in the long run this should be better for him.
Thanks for all you support folks will let you know when he is home again, hopefully later today.
Hi everyone, Neo now home from the vet and back in his usual position on my bed
Apart from still being a little sleepy he seems fine, ate all his dinner and seems to have forgiven me for taking him to the vet in the first place!! He has had about 5 inches removed but his tail was so long anyway that once it heals i don't think it will be that noticeable, not that it matters as long as he is fine. He is sporting a lovely bright red bandage that will be changed at the vet on Monday and just need to keep my fingers crossed now that it heals properly (the vet did say that in a lot of cases the end splits and they end up having to take more off, so hoping that doesn't happen).
For the moment it is just fantastic seeing him getting up from his bed without yelping in pain and he has come through the op so well that it's just like having my big boy back to normal
Plenty of treats in store in the next few days for both him and Sally who really missed him today!
Glad you've got him home and he seems in a bit less pain. I hope it heals fine with no problems, as you say, you probably wont even notice there's a bit missing as their tails are so long anyway.
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."
Hi Jennifer, thanks for asking but it looks ike it is going to be a long haul.
Was back at the vet yesterday to have his dressing changed and he has developed a few sores under the bandage further up his tail which are bleeding and weeping and the tip of the tail is still very sore and bloody. He now has the outer casing of a syringe taped to the end so that the air can circulate but it keeps falling off and he is still redecorating the house with blood splashes every time he wags his tail
Back at the vet on Monday when the stitches are supposed to come out but they have warned me that it could be months before he heals completely so it's still fingers crossed that he doesn't have to lose any more of it with a further amputation.
On the bright side though, the rest of his wounds have healed fantastically well, he had a lump under the skin on one of them which was just fluid build up and the vet drained it, stitches are out now and hopefully his hair should not take too long to grow back
Poor Neo. I was thinking about his tail and remembered a thread on here about colloidal silver. If you click on search on the bar above and put it in, the thread will come up. Makes interesting reading.
Thanks for that Jenny, have read all about it and decided that it has to be worth a try. Will pop into my local health shop tomorrrow and get some. It will be good just to feel like i am doing something for him.
When we got Ruby she had a tail injury (its a bit short so think a couple of inches has been removed - but who knows), some tips that we got from Rachel at Langbank for after the stiches are out:
1. Put a dressing on with the end open to let the air in. 2. Selotape (yes really!) can attach the dressing to the tail with minimal hair removal when changing it, but still sticks until removed (unfortunately its removed by either you or the dog). 3. A hair roller can be useful to keep the dressing off the tail.(similar to the syringe casing Neo currently has) 4. A tasty treat offered makes changing dressing much easier.(its a 2 person job, do it before dinner for maximum distraction)
Also we found it easier to quickly move to large rooms when she was "waggy" to minimise tail banging off walls etc, so arriving home dashed straight to lounge/kitchen rather than have her damage tail in narrow hall. (They seem to forget it hurts!). We still had to repaint the hall aferwards though.
It took a long time to heal, but got there eventually.
Thanks for that Janet, i'm doing pretty much most of that already, haven't resorted to the hair curler yet but i got one from my Mum and i've had it on stand by in case i lose the syringe casing outside
When he is at the vet having it checked they put the tube on with a sticky bandage and it's guaranteed to come off within an hour of getting home so i have been using surgical tape on it and that sticks better,
When i've been out and he comes rushing to greet me, i totally ignore him until he has follew me into the lounge so that he can wag his tail in safety. I have seen an improvement since the end has been left undressed inside the tube and his stitches are now out so fingers crossed he is starting to heal. think i will be keeping the tube on for quite a while though to give him the best chance of it healing completely as it doesn't seem to bother him at all.
Their tails are such a pest being so long and waggy. Last week my friend came round and millie was so excited smacking her tail off the wall, she burst open the tip and their was blood everywhere. I never noticed straight away so she had been throught to the bedroom etc before i noticed. It was like somone had splattered red paint all over the wall!! I couldnt believe it, i spent the next 2 hours going round the place wiping off the tiny spots of blood everywhere.
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."