Ever since we have had Rosie she has had a small, belly-button like lump on her chest. It doesn't seem to bother her, but recently its started to get really red and seems to get bigger but then it shrinks again a while later. I'm sure it's not a belly-button as it surely it should be further down, and our other two don't have one. And then the question cam eup, do dogs even have belly-buttons! Any ideas as to what it may be, we do want to avoid a vets appointment if possible!
Laura I have no idea if they have belly buttons but i have never noticed one on any of my Dogs.I would get it checked out just in case a reputable vet won't charge a fortune just to have a look. Good Luck Em and Chad xx
They have bellybuttons because they are mammals and had a placenta to attach to. I can't find Vernon's or Ziggy's though. I think they heal so well they aren't visible.
Now there's a thing - in all the time i've had dogs, i've never given a thought to belly-buttons. Of course, it makes perfect sense that they have one because of the placenta but i've never seen one!!
Sorry can't offer any advice Laura but hope it proves to be nothing serious, although it doesn't sound like it is bothering her at all, i wondered if maybe it could be a little infection that is flaring up now and again, especially with it being quite red
On the subject of belly buttons.....be honest now, after reading this post, how many of you have gone on a belly button search of your dogs???