Our poor wee girl got a nasty cut on her paw at the weekend. She's now sporting a lovely big red bandage and is on anti biotics. The vet said they have been swarmed with dogs with cut paws due to all the broken bottles lying about after the festive period. Surely this is a good argument to have buckfast put in plastic bottles!!!
Bless the look on her face, and I agree about the plastic bottles I'm sick of picking my way round broken bottles when out walking, although round our way its Irn Bru bottles, seems kids now a days would rather smash them than take them to the shop for the 20p back. It makes me mad.
Hope Sally is on the mend soon.
Greyhounds are like chocolates, one is just never enough.
The council have in their wisdom placed a recycling bin in the park opposite my house. Obviously encouraging the recycling of Buckfast, White Lightning and Thunderbird bottles! Every Friday and Saturday night without fail they are knocked over and the contents are thrown all over the park. It has been a nightmare walking in it but we've avoided injury.
It is just the same down here in the city and surrounding areas. In my old area there were larger bottles lying smashed everywhere every Friday and Saturday evening (just what the attraction in smashing them is I don't know). What the attraction is in getting totally P*** out of their heads every weekend until they are sick I don't get either.Of course I had fun when I was younger (I enjoy life now) but the state of some of the girls and the vulnerable position they put themselves in is frightening. I drink within reason but alcohol is a huge problem in all sorts of ways and my own personal rant....
Once I saw a wee girl smashing one (she was about 11). The irony was she was on a bike! I shouted that I hoped she got a puncture!
I am so lucky to live out in the country now away from all the weekend crazyness but I'll never get used to the shops being shut from lunch time on a Sunday, we never have milk!
Thanks for all the words of support, I've read them out to Sally but she just gave me a blank look. Oh well. As for the smashing of bottles, I don't know what the attraction is either. We're thinking of getting the community council involved in a campaign for plastic drinks bottles. Probably won't get anywhere but we've spoken to some local dog owners who are interested in supporting the cause.
As for Sally, well I'm really worried about her and so she's back at the vet this afternoon rather than waiting until tomorrow. Came home at lunchtime and she hardly touched her food then ran upstairs and lay on her bed. I went to check her and she was making a funny noise, like she had something stuck in her throat. Then I noticed the left side of her abdomen is swollen. I called the vet immediately (thinking oh my god it's bloat) but the vet asked a few questions then said to bring her in at 5.10pm for an appointment. I arranged for a friend to stay with her while I went back to work to sort stuff out then came straight home. There's no way I'm leaving her alone. Roll on 5.10pm, I'm pacing the floor meanwhile I'm so worried about her. She's drinking a lot, which is unlike her. I'm praying there's nothing seriously wrong with her.
I'll report back once she's been to the vet. My poor wee lamb.
Mason and I will keep our fingers and paws crossed for Sally. Its awful having to leave your pet when they are unwell, I'm glad you found someone to stay with her.
Ok I feel a bit silly now...she's got indigestion!!! She's had a wee pill and has another one to take in an hour. The vet was great though, he has a greyhound himself and understand their quirks. She let our a rather large fart when he squeezed her and unfortunately there's probably more to come!
As for her paw, well that wasn't healing so well so she's going in tomorrow to get the cut stitched up. She was releaved to get the bandage off.
Phew, maybe I worry too much about the pooches, but then again they are worth it.
I have just caught up on this thread and was feeling very sorry for poor Sally, until I read the bit about the !!!!fart!!!! LOL I hope that her foot heals up soon and there are no more farts. Nora
Glad to hear it's nothing serious and that she's feeling a bit better (if a trifle windy). Here's hoping the paw will heal quickly once it's stitched.
I can't speak for anyone else (although I suspect that there are a lot who are very similar) but I tend to err on the side of caution and would rather have a trip to the vet than leave it to chance or until it has become chronic. Can't blame you for that!
P.S. I am not neurotic about dragging the dogs to the vet, we are not there on a daily basis although it feels like that's what they are trying to do at the moment. You can always tell there is something not right.
Certainly don't feel silly - our previous dog went to the vets on one occasion with what turned out to be a cold and another occasion with a sore throat!
Hope all goes well with the stitching tomorrow and the paw soon heals.
What a relief, for you and Sally by the sound of it Don't feel embarrassed, its best to suffer a little red face than not go to vet only to be told you should have brought your pet in sooner! Marie
Well Sally got her stitches today, she's now wearing a blue bandage! Apparently the cut is quite badly infected but hopefully it will heal now. She's got more anti biotics. Her gas seems to have passed now and she's being starved until tomorrow morning, poor wee thing is looking so sorry for herself. Back to the vet on Monday to check the stitches. Dan was happy to see her when she came in, which is quite unlike him, he doesn't usually get up for anyone! Fingers crossed thats her on the mend.
Just caught up with thread. So sorry you have had so much to worry about but then again they are worth it.I think we are all the same worrying about our little darlings! Hope Sally is soon bounding around with Dan again. Em and Chad xx
Can i just ask, how do you keep a cream carpet so clean with 2 dogs in this wet muddy weather? I struggle to keep a dark coloured rug in my livingroom clean lol
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."
Ha ha, well, lots of rugs that get thrown in the washing machine at least once a week, and we bought a carpet cleaner before Christmas and had just used it the other day before taking the pics. Otherwise our carpets have big dirty paw marks all over them!
Just caught upp! Been away but Speedy and I are back in circulation now.My computer is on a go -sloww to compensate for being left for a while so please excise the bad spelling..
Poor Sally! That second photo really look slike she has been caught thieving or worse! She must have ben feelin bad! Hope she recovers soon...
Speedy and I go to the vet far too often but I have started to get a bit hard on him and take him after a couple of days of being ill as he is such a play actor! Just a tiny bruise, cough or limp and he is desperately and utterly dying! Just don't tell me how guilty I will feel when he has something really wrong with him!!
Hope she recovers soon - and my pc too - it's driving me mad!
Seriously - best wishes to Sally and her paw and her indigestion! have you tried live-yoghurt? I swear by it! Stops horrid smells from dog!
Sally was at the vet again today and her paw has started to heal. The stitches have stayed in and the infection is going. It's been so difficult to keep it dry in this weather but it seems that she's finally on the mend. She's bandaged up again and has to go back on Saturday, by which time it should be fine. Then hopefully she can start on longer walks again, the pair of them are getting sooooo lazy!!!