Hope Ziggy makes a full recovery. Must be so hard for you at the moment not knowing. Hope they can figure out what the problem is with his bones and heart. Lenny was found to have an irregular heart when he went in for stitches ages 5 1/2. He's been on medication ever since and is fine. Recovery after a run used to be slow and his heart would pound in his chest looking like it were going to jump out. Since the medication he's been 'normal'. I'm sure if the vet feels Ziggy's heart needs regulating he will prescibe something. Hopefully Ziggy's other test comes back clear and they are able to set his leg. Poor chap won't be doing any galloping around for some time.
I visited Ziggy today at the vet school. He's a poor wee soul feeling a bit sorry for himself and giving me this look which melted my heart. As you can see from pic. He had some treats and I spent about half an hour with him before he fell asleep. He's still on strong pain relief but walked in to see me with a sling supporting his back end. You can't tell from the picture but his right leg has been shaved right up to the hip and he has a small dressing on the op site. I expected a huge bandage but they just took it off today apparently and it is healing well. He's been eating and had just had some food when I got there so burped in my face. Never been so pleased about that before. I was so relieved to see him and can't wait to get him home this week some time. I didn't get to speak to the vet today but will get an update and hopefully a day to collect him when they call tomorrow.
Unfortunately Ziggy has a slight infection in his wound. Daily dressing changes required and antibiotics so he's going to be in a while longer. The vet is very happy with him other than this so its just a precaution. If he hadn't got the infection she said he'd be home by now. Better safe than sorry.
I spoke with Ziggy's vet today. Unfortunately his wound has opened further and they are changing the dressings twice a day and cleaning it out. He will be in for about 10 more days. Other than this he is perfectly happy and very waggy tailed with all the staff apparently (not jealous at all). The skin on the greyhound leg is so taught there isn't much to work with so it takes longer to heal, plus he's an older dog so that doesn't help. I'll be visiting again at the weekend and will just have to be patient about getting him back.
It sounds like he's getting first rate attention, and cos he's being so brave and smiley, the staff will be fussing him no end, which is how you would want it. Better to be safe, cos we all know how fragile the thin skin is - keep your chin up.
It's such a worry - their legs always look so fragile, there isn't much to them.
At least they've caught it and are working to sort it out. Not much consolation but at least he's in the best possible place. Chin up and give your fella a big hug when you visit next.
Best wishes to Ziggy - you must be missing him like mad!!
I remember when Daisy de-gloved her leg, last year, it took ages for it to heal because there isn't much under the skin and it's so fragile. The vet said that, had she been almost any other breed, she would have healed within a week or so. We were at the vet's about three times a week for dressing changes.
As has already been said, he's in the right place and he sounds happy enough if he's smiley and waggy (i'm sure he'll be even more smiley and waggy when he gets home to you !)
Hope Ziggy is improving big time when you see him this weekend, finger, toes and paws all crossed at this end that he is home with you, Vernon and Jaspar really soon.
Thats a real shame that Ziggy has to sat in for another 10 days, but like people have said before, he's in the best place. you must miss him terribly at home. Hope you enjoy your visit at the weekend.
Saw Ziggy again today and he is doing well. The wound hasn't broken down any more so they hope to start closing it again this week. He was a bit more lively today (yes even Ziggy has lively moments) and more alert. Must have less medication than last week. Gave him some Reiki and he fell asleep which must have been a good sign. He has been great and just lays there when they change his dressing very still and patient. His dressing is huge and you can see he is baldy leg now.
He's a brave soldier Jenny, and I'm sure you must have had a tear in your eye to leave him, but just keep on positive thinking and he will be home soon.
Poor Ziggy, he is such a good boy being so good for the vets. You are being so brave aswell, i'd be lost without Millie by my side all the time, she's ma wee baby so you are coping remarkably wel, must be so hard for you to leave him. I hope you get him home soon - Vernon must be missing his fur brother too
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."
I know how I felt when Casper was in the vet school for two nights, so I hate to think how you are feeling having to leave him for so long. Thinking of you and Ziggy, I hope you get him home soon x
"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give."
Ziggy's final biopsy results finally came back and they are totally clear. No cancer. It was such a relief I can't describe. He has been through enough already.
That's fantastic news about his biopsy - you must be soooooo relieved! We're all soooooo pleased for you. Hopefully he'll be home soon and you can put this awful time behind you.