Glad that Ziggy is recovering well from his op and I'm sure it won't be long before he's up and about on short walks with you. It's been a difficult time for both of you. It's great his amputated leg will be used by the vets to help them in their research.
Please keep us posted on how Ziggy's getting on. In the meantime we're all thinking of you here.
Glad to hear that Ziggy's op was a success and good to hear that his ordeal may have some benefit for dogs in times to come. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. My thoughts are with you both.
Pleased to hear that Ziggys op went well. Hope he makes a really speedy recovery so he can get back to a normal routine. All our love and positive thoughts coming your way.
Shirley and the gang x
Ziggy has been kept in the vet school as he developed a bad reaction on Thursday. I have been in touch with the vet over the weekend and he said yesterday he was very concerned about what appeared to be Vasculitis. An inflammation of the blood vessels and capilliaries. If this progresses it can lead to necrotic (dead) tissue and obviously the wound wouldn't heal. He also had a raging temperature and was in some pain. Today they said he was stable and the vasculitis very slightly improved. He has been eating and drinking fine but his reaction is unusual. I had hoped that this would have been a simple operation with a quick recovery for Ziggy. As usual things are more difficult for him. Anyway, hopefully he will continue to improve. His surgeon will be back tomorrow and I can discuss it further with her.
Poor Ziggy he's not having much fun at the moment. He is in the best possible place for it though. And I bet he's getting lots of cuddles from the nurses!!
get well soon sweetie Lots of hugs Diane, Judy and shane.
I'd like to thank everyone for all your kind thoughts and wishes for Ziggy and us over the last weeks. Ziggy was put to sleep with us at his side yesterday morning. He had a strong spirit but a weak body which just couldn't recover. I'd like to think he is running free and without pain at rainbow bridge.
Jenny we're so so sorry to hear that. He put up a good fight but at least he's out of pain now. I wish there was something more I could say. Losing a much loved canine friend is one of the most painful experiences imaginable. Our thoughts are with you.