How do other dogs react when they see a fox? When our dogs are out( always on their leads)Teddy's eyes will lock onto a squirrel or a fox. He does not even need to bark but Sassy immediately tries to leap at him to nip him. Is there an explanation for her behaviour? Any ideas on how to stop her?
I know there's a fox about before I see it because Mason starts dancing on his toes like a boxer and his ears go straight up. I try patting him on the head and praising him for spotting the fox before calmly walking away, sometimes it works, other times not so much!! I think there's little can be done about instinct
Do you mean that Sassy tries to nip Teddy, or nip the fox? The nipping Teddy is because she can't get to the fox so she takes her excitement out on the nearest warm body! Harry does this to Pearly if he sees a cat in the back garden. We try to nip it in the bud by telling him "no" before he gets too excited, or by very sternly telling him "NO!" if he gets rough with Pearly. This seems to work but Harry is a very biddable dog, plus there's the helpful barrier of the patio doors! I doubt if it would work as well outside.
As Tootsmazza says, it's difficult to get round their instincts and training.
It's poor Teddy she tries to nip, usually on the ear. Her other response is to jump on his head. I am not even sure she sees the fox straight away. I think she just picks up from him that there's one about.