Hi there Karen. I hope you and the gang are well..
We are still alive! I have been draughtproofing and generally overhauling my windows for the past month. After a day of graft all I can manage in the evenings is take Speedy out and open a bottle before collapsing. I have got used to waking up at 1am on the sofa having just zonked out. Tip-toeing around the streets with Speedy at that time is just ridiculous! I hope to finish the windows this weekend and can't wait to get the house dust free.. I should be a bit more "talkative" after that...
Speedy is doing well. He is such a happy dog. He passed his beginners training classes in January and we have a photo, certificate and rosette to prove it! My Mother just laughs at all that - but we don't listen! We have started intermediate classes but I collapsed on the sofa last night and ended up missing the second class - doh!
I am having a day off today, but have to go to the dentist this afternoon....
Glad to hear you and Speedy are doing well Claire. Congratulations to the two of you for your classes. He certainly seems a very sunny character, bless!
If the weather over in your neck of the woods has been as cold as the West this last week (and I'm sure it has), you must be frozen walking about at 1am. It's bad enough at 5pm when I finish work!
Hope you get your windows finished soon. Hope to hear stories of Speedy's antics again soon.