This is Mason with his pal Trudy. We worried how they would get on at first because Trudy is 9 and has known me since she was pup. Initially she did tend to assert her ownership by sitting on my knee and staring at Mason as if to say "I was here first" but now they are best of friends, even sharing their toys when Trudy comes to visit. First Trudy makes a beeline for whatever Mason has - rawhide, ham shank etc. When Mason decides he wants it back he goes and gets a squeaky toy to distract Trudy so he can grab back his treat, and they yo-yo back and forward like this for hours. The house is usually a bombsite by the time Trudy leaves!
It's so nice to see the big ones get on with the wee ones! Last week Biscuit had a great play with a Jack Russell called Joe, but me and the owner kept laughing cos Joe was trying to mount Biscuit
Love the photos. Isn't it funny how they always want what someone else has. They do make me laugh!
My three are quite good with little dogs too. My brother has a spaniel and my gran had a toy poodle. Tigger occasionally tries to play with them (she's a bit big and boisterous) however for the most part, they're great together.
Valerie, your poor boy - bet he was mortified! It must have looked really funny though.
Fab pics. What kind of dog is Trudy? At first i thought she was a westie but then realised she has grey patches on her back Is she a fox terrier? Good to see Mason has a wee friend and is happy to share his bones
Fab pics. What kind of dog is Trudy? At first i thought she was a westie but then realised she has grey patches on her back Is she a fox terrier? Good to see Mason has a wee friend and is happy to share his bones
Trudy's a wire-haired fox terrier. I never realised how small she was until I got my boy, she's big on attitude tho like most small dogs
Fantastic pics! Lovely to see greys with small dogs
We've been walking Annie with my mother-in-laws yorkie (who is a bit of a yap and a tad temperamental) but they are fine together - however, we do get some odd looks....!
How lovely to see them getting along so well I'm afraid my Chad wouldn't allow another paw in this house he wants me all to himself so I can cuddle up with him. I loved the last picci so sweet! How could anyone not love them when they lay on you like that. Em and Chad xx