He's a handsome blonde, and my Sky seems to think he's the greatest dog ever. She's been bounding around trying to entice him into chasing her. Robbie, flattered by the girly dog attention, has attempted to play, however he's yet to become an expert at moving around on laminate flooring! He looks like he's been stranded on a desert island in the middle of my living room; the poor lad is very wary of moving off his duvet. He's not too good with stairs yet either (and we live on the top floor). Coming up isn't too bad, but going down is SCARY!
I'm sure he'll get the hang of floors and stairs soon enough though.
On a positive note, he's already housetrained and slept all night on his own in the living room with barely a whimper. He also has a helicopter tail, it's so funny; he whirls it round and round when you get his lead out. Definitely a happy and polite dog and he seems to be pretty playful outside thus far.
Today is bath day though, so hopefully that won't traumatise him too much.
He is a beauty isn't he? Great big paws and soulful eyes are probably what's caught Sky's attention! Sounds like he's settling in very quickly. Well done for taking him on and good luck with the stairs over the next few days!
Yes, Robbie off the homeless page. Although he came straight from his trainer, so not sure why it said he was already in foster care.
Robbie is now neutered and minus more than a few of his teeth. The vet checked his teeth over while he was in getting castrated and there were lots of rotten ones plus a bad infection. :( He has to stay on antibiotics for a fortnight and he's getting wise to the pills in his dinner! Fresh chicken seems to be the key there (the dogs eat better than us humans!)
Stairs are no problem now and although he doesn't enjoy moving around on the laminate floor, he's getting better and has ventured off his duvet of his own free will now.
He's such a happy dog outside, I've never met a greyhound who wags his/her tail as much as Robbie. Plus he moves into your side and gives you a cuddle while you're walking. He's adorable (as long as you are paying attention and don't end up tripping over the top of him!).
He's gorgeous, Vicki! What beautiful eyes he has - like he's put eyeliner on. It sounds as if he's settling in very well with you and I love how he glues himself to your side to get cuddles when you're out!
I took Robbie and Sky out to my aunts today so they could run around the garden off their leads. (Sky has good recall, but I wanted to test out Robbie as he has seemed so responsive outside on walks).
Robbie has great recall! For me at least .... he won't listen to anyone else at the moment. He's just bursting with happiness outside, I need to rope in a volunteer to video him so you can all see how fantastic he is. :) Anyway, Robbie chased me around, turned on the spot when called, and generally zoomed around like a total loon (boy is he fast, he really needs stopping distance taken into consideration when you call himso he doesn't collide with walls and trees!). All for lots of praise and cuddles, he seems to appreciate that SO much more than food.
Sky was a bit miffed because he was more interested in playing with me instead of her, but maybe she's just feeling a bit put out because another dog can finally run faster than she can. :)
Robbie is also slowly picking up other commands too, he's very responsive to the tone of your voice.
Oh I wish I'd seen Robbie run around like a loon! It's so wonderful to see the sheer joy in their faces when they run for fun like this. Hurry up Vicki and get that video taken! His recall sounds perfect - what a clever boy he is. It sounds like he's showing you in every way possible that he loves being at home with you and Sky.
WOW is that your garden? What a lovely colour Robbie is. It amazes me that so many beautiful dogs have to wait so long to find their forever home. I love the black and white dogs, we have one this colour
OOOOHHH! Sweet Robbie enjoy your new home and all the very best for the future.Vicki,well done and congratulations on helping Robbie to his forever home, without you it would have been even harder for him, please do not feel sad but be proud. Nora