When people ask me if Greyhounds are good with children I can't help but smile, because my two are not just good with my children they are amazing
Zoe (brindle lurcher) belongs to my 3 year old Alix, from the day Zoe came to us as a foster dog Alix claimed her as her own and Zoe couldn't be happier, she follows Alix everywhere and sleeps on her bed. Zoe (who Alix calls Sizzles) has been known to knock me sideways to get to Alix when she comes home from Nursery etc.
Yesterday Alix was playing in the garden and it had gone very quiet so I went to see what her and Sizzles were up to. I just had time to grab my phone and take some photos before they spotted me.
Who needs a Nanny when I've got these two for her to play with.
Greyhounds are like chocolates, one is just never enough.
What fantastic pictures. Love the last one of Sizzles (charlie and lola fan by any chance!) and Alix. I was astounded when I read that one of the Greyhound charities wont re home hounds to families with young children. I know some are too bouncy and might knock little ones flying but the majority are loving and gentle with children who enjoy nothing more than a drive in the car with their favorite pals!!!
Interestingly enough - Staffies are the original "nanny dog" and were given the name cos they are so good with kids. Think in the old days parents used to leave them with the kids to keep each other company. I do like wee staffies - FAJ and I watch one run around with a huge rottie most days in the park on Milton Road - helps pass the time when stuck in the traffic works going on there.
And - when we walked the greys at Blairadam many moons ago, they had a stray staffie cross there which walked back and forwards in the forest to Kelty to visit the butchers each day.
great pics - i do so love to see children and dogs together. even tho i'm not at all keen on kids, the combination of them with dogs is very special. I believe it's one of the best educations that children can get - it just teaches them so much about how to treat other creatures with respect which generally extends to the way they interact with the world in general.
They are great photos and such a great advert for any prospective families thinking about a grey.
I agree with Teresa, I was brought up with dogs, I can't remember a time when there wasn't at least one dog in the family, and I wouldn't change it - I think kids benefit so much from the chance to interact with an animal.
I agree, I feel its important that children learn the importance of responsibility. Alix is only three but every night she feeds Sizzles, counting out the cups of food and mixing it after I add the oil. I also make Alix brush her as i feel she has to learn its not all just playing and cuddles.
I make my older two poop scoop every teenage girls dream
Greyhounds are like chocolates, one is just never enough.
Just the best pictures I've seen in a long while. BUT where have the last two years gone, first time we met Alex was just a wee baby, now she's a wee person with lots of love to give to her pointy family.