Glad to hear that Scooby is getting better. Hope it wont be long before he gets the darn plaster off and he can concentrate on important things like bunnies and bones. LOL Big hugs Nora
Well Scooby had his xrays done on Monday & they came back fine. The pins have stayed put & have not snapped this time so fingers crossed this is the way forward. He's certainly feeling better in himself as he is wanting to play with his toys/teddy bears but of course i have to stop him just incase !
He's going to have his bandages changed twice a week for the next few weeks again 7 then more xrays done.
Mia is back to the vets tomorrow for her first weeks check up since being put on steriods, what i must say is since she has been on them she has panted 24/7 which i'm not happy about as she seems to be more breathless. I'll speak more to the vet tomorrow & see what she suggests. However she is eating a little better & seems a little more sparkly in herself too.
So thats my update for now :) :)
Also mummy to my 2 lovely horses Perrie & Duffy
Also have my own horse forum: Come & join us !!!
I am sitting here in buckets of tears & have done since i came out of the vets surgery at 3:50pm.
The steroids haven't worked for Mia at all & they are now saying she has a canerous tumour although this 'can not' be diagnosed. I asked if xrays can be done to find the tumour & was told no amount of xrays would show it up, that i find very hard to believe.
They have given me a different course of tablets, i can't remember what they are for now as i was so upset but we are to try these as the last resort.
She is to go back to the vets on Monday at 1:20pm to see if they have worked.
Since her being taken off the steroids the panting has stopped, although she has lost a bit more weight.
I will not let Mia go until i have gone down every avenue possible. She in herself is not in any pain or discomfort whatsoever, ok she has slowed up a great deal but she is still able to go for her short walks & is able to do the toilet with no problems.
My eyes are that sore & i should be pulling myself together but it's so very hard.
-- Edited by saldec at 19:58, 2007-06-14
Also mummy to my 2 lovely horses Perrie & Duffy
Also have my own horse forum: Come & join us !!!
She in herself is not in any pain or discomfort whatsoever,
Hold on to this thought
I should be pulling myself together but it's so very hard.
Who said you should be pulling yourself together? It is very hard, but you have a heart and you care, and no one thinks any less of you for being so honest.
Let us know how things are, we will all send positive thoughts for Mia and you. xx
I am really sorry to hear about this. Believe me, we are all rooting for Mia (and you). I agree with Dawn - you are more than entitled to express your frustration/grief/worry as much as you like. I know I did when Wills was diagnosed diabetic and I was terrified. When you are good and ready, you will draw upon your reserves and deal with whatever comes your way as best you can - that's all any of us can do. Mia can't ask for any more than that. At least she's not in pain and knows she's safe, secure and loved.
Keep us posted of her progress. We'll be thinking of you.
I'm sorry to hear about Mia. It is a terrible shock for you to learn your beloved Mia has this condition and it is understandably hard to accept. Take one day at a time, and you will find you have the strength. Thinking of you and your girl.
I'm so sorry about Mia - but like Lita says, take each day as it comes. Mia isn't in any pain and I really hope her new medication works! Good luck - I hope everything works out for her.
Since Mia was taken off the strong steriods & put on a weaker steriod she is like a different dog.
She is eating more, drinking, actually running around & has stopped the panting which she wa doing 24/7.
She had the vets yesterday which the vet was expecting to put her to sleep. The vet is so pleased with the transformation & can see she is starting to put on a little weight. She is to be kept on the new meds & is to be seen by the vet every week for check ups.
I personally think the strong meds were doing her more harm than good & was killing her off.
I am so very very pleased with her & i can see how happy she is in herself too.
So thats a good update for a change.
Scooby also had his check up 10 mins after Mia. Vet is very pleased with him too, vet had a good prod of his leg & she seems to think that the pin is finally starting to take affect, he's to be xrayed again in a few weeks time just to make sure.
He is bouncing about as if nothing is wrong with his leg but i have to keep him calm as a very sudden jerk or movement could be disastrous & we'll be at suare one again. Its hard to keep him calm as he's a hyper dog in general, but all in all he's making good progress.
I should of started a separate thread about Mia as this could be confusing to the best of people !!! To late now though !!
Also mummy to my 2 lovely horses Perrie & Duffy
Also have my own horse forum: Come & join us !!!
Delighted to hear the good news about Mia and Scooby. I was thinking about you yesterday and wondered how things were going. That is so good that they appear to have turned the corner, fingers crossed for a full recovery for both of them.
Both Scooby & Mia are doing well. Mia is putting on more & more weight which we are all happy about.
Scooby goes for xrays on Monday 9th July so fingers crossed everything will be fine & the pins have stayed intact.
We are going on holiday on Saturday 30th June to Chester caravanning, well we are visiting family & friends. Mia is staying with my mum as we think its better she stayed just incase .....
So Scooby & Sparky are going away for there annual break with us. They ahve been caravanning before now with us & they enjoy it too. I just have to keep Scooby are calm & relaxed because of his leg.
He's going for his bandage change tomorrow & that'll be him until he goes again on 9th July, oh yeah Mia goes the same day for her check up & to get more meds.
Thats about it for now, but will keep you updated.
*I have to say without all your support over Scooby & Mia i don't think i could of coped, so i want to say a 'special thank you' to everybody*
Sally XxX
Also mummy to my 2 lovely horses Perrie & Duffy
Also have my own horse forum: Come & join us !!!
Great news - so pleased everything seems to have settled down. We'll be looking forward to hearing about your exploits caravanning and updates on Mia and Scooby.
That is such good news that Both Scooby and Mia are doing so well. Have a good time caravaning and we look forward to hearing all about it when you get back and with updates on Scooby and Mia,
I'm delighted that both Mia and Scooby are doing well. Hope you enjoy your holiday where you can relax a bit. What a time you've had with the worry over both of them! I hope they continue to respond to their treatment.
Haven't been on for a while, so have only just caught up with this thread. What a worrying time you've been having, and here's keeping fingers and toes (and anything else crossable) crossed that the outcome continues to be so positive.
Hope you have a great time in the caravan - our 4 love it in our 'van, the difficult thing is us getting a seat (and as for bedtime........!!!!). I just like to see people's faces when you take 4 large dogs out of a tourer.....!!!!
Anyway, hope all goes from strength to strength! Thinking of you.