I'm pleased to announce that Mollie has now found a forever home. She has joined Vernon at my OAP dogs retirement flat. I was going to wait a few days incase there were any problems settling her in, but she came in and jumped on the sofa and made herself at home. She slept on the sofa all night in the livingroom without a peep so I think she's a pretty independent laydee. None of this jumping on the bed lark like Vernon. We've been out for our morning walk and had breakfast so it was straight back to the sofa again. I really need more furniture. 2 sofa hogging dogs and me on the uncomfortable chair!!! I've only managed to get a pic of her on the sofa so far and I get the feeling her pics are going to be like Ziggy's were. All lying down sleeping!
awww, congratulations on your new arrival . she's got such a lovely face! i must admit, i have a big soft spot for the black dogs and since having Branston, for the oldies too. looks like she's settled in fine already
How old is Mollie, she looks to be in good condition.
Mollie is approx. 8-9 years old. She's in good condition although a wee bit tubby at the moment and I'm not sure if she'll lose it easily. I reckon her parentage may have been part lab. She's short beside Vernon but not tiny. They are at the moment indifferent to each other, not really bothering, and Mollie has stolen Veron's space on the sofa so I don't know how long he'll tolerate that. She basically sleeps as much as he does so it seems like a good match. She does a good job at getting attention and will burrrow under your hand or arm which is very sweet. I can't believe how easy she's been so far especially when I think back to what Vernon was like in the beginning. Its lovely to have another dog in the house and I think Vernon will be happier too.
Jenny I had a feeling Mollie was for you when Dave posted about her being cat safe. I am so please for you and her. Vernon will enjoy the company when they are both awake for long enough to notice each other
Jenny really good pics! Mollie looks great, and Vernon is doing his beautiful Bambi eyes. I thought Mollie looked like a lurcher in your sofa shot, as there is something about the shape of her head/face not quite full greyhound, but the rest looks very much grey! Whatever the mix, she is gorgeous, and hope you all have lots of good times together!
BRILLIANT photo's!! So glad Vernon has a lady friend Hopefully in time, they will become good friends. Its amazing how quickly they bond. Millie and Willow are inseprable! I had Willow away all day yesterday at Viv's training day and when i returned home, what a welcome Millie gave Willow. She was washing his face and jumping around him all excited he was home. Then the curled up on the bed together and slept all evening, millie delighted to have her pal back. Hopefully Vernon and Mollie will become like this. Look forward to hearing all about them
Oh that's great news Jenny. I did have my eye on her for a while as she was catsafe. I also particularly like older dogs too. But Hubby was just not ready to get another.......yet!! She is a really gorgeous lady. Good for you for giving her a forever home. Marian.
So pleased for you Jenny. The pictures are great. She sounds a lot like Zoe (older lurcher too) When we first got Zoe she just came in and went to sleep, no crying or fretting, I couldn't believe how easy she slipped into our life. It must be an oldie thing. Hope it all keeps going so well. As for the bit tubby bit......err I've been saying for over a year that I'm sure I'll get the weight off Zoe soon, decided she's greyhound cross barrel and that's just the shape she's meant to be...extra cuddly
Keep the photos coming.
Greyhounds are like chocolates, one is just never enough.
The pictures of Mollie and Vernon are gorgeous and it's lovely to see Mollie looking all content on her very own sofa I knew she would settle quickly with you and am sure it won't be long before she and Vernon are best buddies!! Strangely,neither Murphy or Jazz have taken to sitting in our newly empty chair( I say strangely because when Mollie was here,if she moved off the chair they two would have a mad scramble to pinch it) We wish you many years of happiness together and look forward to seeing more beautiful photos of your babies and perhaps seeing you all at GAL things. PS Loved Vernon's bum wiggle thing PPS Big hugs to Mollie!
Great news and lovely pics, Jenny! Mollie has settled in so quickly with you and Vernon. All the very best of luck with your new arrival - she's lovely!
Congratulations Jenny and Vernon on giving the gorgeous girl Mollie a loving home. I'm sure you'll all have very many happy times ahead.They are both absolutely lovely and look forward to seeing more pics as their relationship develops!!
Congratulations - looks like she'll settle in pretty quickly with you and Vernon's routine. She's a gorgeous lady and deserves all your special love and attention! Well done!
Well Mollie has been with me for 2 weeks now and she has come out of her shell a wee bit. These are the things I've learned about her in that time.
1 She is a very dainty eater. Eating each kibble separately, unlike Vernon who is a wolfer of food. 2 She sometimes lifts her leg to pee. I thought females always squatted to pee? 3 She has a real hatred of her coat. I tried to put it on one day it was raining really heavily and she squealed, so no more coat. 4 She has a difficulty around other dogs as she barks and growls at every one she meets. I've been working on this by teaching her to look at me when I say the word leave, then she gets a biscuit. Its working really well and only today a big dog approached and she had no reaction at all. 5 She loves attention and would demand it all the time if she got the chance so I have to say no sometimes. 6 She doesn't like cattle or sheep as when we walk past the field with the sheep and cows at the park, she comes round behind me to hide. 7 She is very playful when off lead in the garden and rushes about play bowing and jumping up at me. She has started to do this with Vernon too which is good. 8 She likes to have her ears rubbed and groans with delight when you do this. 9 She is a bit scared of Jasper. He has been a bit forward sometimes but she gives him the message that he should back off. 10 She is super intelligent (found out she is ColliexGreyhound so that explains it) can sit for food, give a paw and leave it.
She is a great girl and is good company for Vernon. He seems a bit more laid back even since she arrived which can only be good.
Jenny - that's great! I'm so glad that Mollie is settling in so well with you all. Looking forward to meeting you, Vernon and Mollie at one of the GAL events soon! Sounds like she's a lovely girl!