Just cross posting this one from the shop section to make sure everyone sees it.
Hi all
Early days I know - but we are now looking for possible submissions for the GAL 2008 calendar.
If you have a favourite picture of your GAL dog/s and would like a chance to have it included in next years calendar, please email it to me at shop@gal.org.uk.
Photos will be selected (by an independent jury!!) at the end of July for calendar production in August.
Now for the boring bit - the rules: Each dog must have been homed by GAL and please only send one photo per dog. Those who have more than one dog can send one group shot along with one individual photo of each dog. Also, please could you let me know the dogs name and ages and how long you have had them too. Please send your picture in JPEG format as an attachment rather than embedded in the body of the email.
Thank you in advance - looking forward to seeing your pictures
So far only four entries received for the calendar - come on all you budding photographers - where are you?? I know how much you love to see your dogs in print
Just a wee reminder to get snapping over the summer
We would have sent in a picture of Timmy (Mr June in this year's calendar!) but he was not rehomed to us by GAL. I guess that this new rule may have eliminated quite a few potential picture submitters. Sheila
Any progress with the calendar? When are we likely to know who is in - just so I can get copies for all my lucky family (if either of mine make it). I will definately be having one too.