Our two new pups arrived this morning and have won not only our hearts but the hearts of our neighbours. They arrived just after noon with thier sister Rosie who has gone to stay in Gareloch. They have wrecked havoc, caused chaos, ate my plants and generally just been pups. Fantastic. Even crabbit Kiera id well behaved. Anyway Bunny has a white tip on his tail and Woody doesnt apart from that they are almost identical.
Here are some pix to share just now and Im sure there will be more to follow as they grow.
They are sooooo adorable - what lucky puppies having a lovely warm sofa to lie on instead of a horrible outside kennel!!! Thankfully these lucky pups will never have to race for their keep - how fab!
couldn't you just put them between 2 pieces of bread & eat them?! Just beautiful! It will be lovely to hear, and see, of their adventures in the weeks & months to come!!!!
Ps - rather you than me!!!!!!!!
Who's more foolish - the fool, or the one who follows him?
Woody and Bunny are adorable,they seem to be settling in well and I am sure you will have lots of adventures to tell us all about in the future weeks. All the very best and well done on taking them into your home. Nora
I was watching motor racing on the TV but wondering how the pups were doing and if you had had the time to post a progress report. What a picfest of happy dogs. Nice to see that young Iain is helping out.I bet his mum and dad are getting their heads nipped about these smashing pups. With you, Woody and Bunny will be getting a positive experience of early socialisation second to none. It will be very lucky owners indeed that are chosen to receive these little treasures. Eleanor and Flashxxxxx
If I can't watch lurchers running in Heaven...I don't want to go there.
Well done you taking on pups that needed some TLC They are so cute and can't wait to watch them grow up and hear lots of stories about them Keep the pictures coming they're great
awwwwwhhhh Kiera and Millie are being so good with the pups it is a joy to see how they snuggle up too each other. Do,nt you dare stop posting photo,s as I will never be bored or tired of seeing how the puppies progress. Nora
What wonderful photos of the puppies settling in! And they've taken full advantage by the sounds of it. They're so lucky to be with you. Looking forward to hearing about all their adventures.
I think it's great the way the other established dogs have adapted to the youngsters, and the pups are obviously exploiting everyone's good nature As for tiring of hearing of them? NEVER! I think what is unique to the forum is for the rest of us to hear how greyhound pups are growing up, and the fact that these lucky chaps have such a great future, unlike so many. As we always say, no such thing as too many photos.
As the week progresses and after a few "leave me alone young pup" growls, Woody and Bunny have finally endeared themselves to our lot. Especially Kiera, who can be totally manic and frightening if she feels insecure. But as you can see even her heart has been melted.
aww they look such bundles of fun and cuteness I like the one of Keira lying with a pup at either side of her Your dogs have a lot of patience, i don't know if my lot would tolerate youngsters jumping all over them Have you had many sleepness nights or how have they been?
No sleepless nights ... we bought them an internal kennel and put them in that at night. I think having the 2 of them definitely helps because they cuddle up together.
They are brilliant fun to watch and always up to mischief for example our shoes are never in the place that we left them