Yep, saw this in the papers yesterday myself. Applies to me, being a veggie. No more Mars Bars for me! Maybe a good thing as I am fighting the battle of the bulge as it is! Marian.
What a bunch of plonkers! And what a ridiculous statement: "if someone is a less strict vegetarian they can still enjoy our products". Spoken by someone who clearly has no clue about vegetarianism. They'll be serving up chicken next, claiming that it's not meat.....
They'll soon change it back when their profits start going down.
We should all bombard them with letters stating we will no longer buy their products and will switch to rival brands. I did this a few years ago when i realised I could eat Walkers beef, chicken and other meaty sounding crisps, but not their cheese & onion due to the inclusion of animal rennet, and with the amount of crisps I eat they realised they needed my custom and soon changed it! However, I still don't buy Walkers!
Doesn't excuse it, though, does it? I'm sure most folk would rather pay 1 or 2 pence more for their chocolate fix (in fact, from what I gather, most folk wouldn't actually notice that they WERE paying more!!!!) if they knew the facts. Unfortunately, it's the great non-information thing again, isn't it, and most people won't know there's any difference (for example, am I the only one who stands in the supermarket and says loudly: "Pringles! Well, we're not having them, they're made by Proctor and Gambol, and we all know about their animal testing policies, don't we???).
Ah well, much though I hate to admit it, I didn't really need Mars bars in my diet anyway!
Doesn't excuse it, though, does it? I'm sure most folk would rather pay 1 or 2 pence more for their chocolate fix (in fact, from what I gather, most folk wouldn't actually notice that they WERE paying more!!!!) if they knew the facts. Unfortunately, it's the great non-information thing again, isn't it, and most people won't know there's any difference (for example, am I the only one who stands in the supermarket and says loudly: "Pringles! Well, we're not having them, they're made by Proctor and Gambol, and we all know about their animal testing policies, don't we???).
Ah well, much though I hate to admit it, I didn't really need Mars bars in my diet anyway!
Thanks for the info!
I think that it is morel likely that they think that a Non GM campaign will get them more sales.There is a very big movement against anything Genetically Modified but non animal rennet is usually microbial or fungal enzymes which have been GMd.
The interesting thing is that this also means that strict Muslims also cant eat it as it is non halal animal products.There is a ruling on this Fatwa (legal opinion) allows a person to consume rennet (in the form of cheese etc.). Whilst Taqwa (piety) desires abstinence.
Be interesting to see if they have to change their minds due to significant drops in sales.
At least they are being upfront about what is in their products. This animal rennet is in Kitkats too - how many people know that? Also non veggie are Guinness (isinglass), diet Mueller rice (gelatine), Sacla pesto sauce (rennet from the parmesan cheese) and all sorts of other products where you might not expect any animal derived ingredient.
We don't eat meat or chicken but to be honest we don't bother about this sort of thing. So I guess we are the sorts of "non -committed vegetarians" the Mars spokesperson was referring to. Unfortunately for him I don't like Mars bars, Snickers or any of his other products so he can't rely on us to keep his sales up!
I've emailed Masterfoods to let them know what I think about their extraordinarily backward decision to start using animal rennet in their chocolate products.
I'll miss bounties (one of my all time favourites), maltesers, milky ways, snickers and twix bars all of which I've eaten by the hundreds over the years (never did like Mars bars). As far as I'm concerned there'll be no more anything produced/manufactured by Masterfoods or any of their subsidiary companies bought by us.
I doubt Masterfoods will notice a drop in their huge profits due to our decision but if one small voice is joined by many then who knows what affect it may have.
Tee hee, Dawn! LOL! So that's where Dave's been all this time - getting a few nips, tucks and horns! Thought it was Michael Jackson after another disastrous trip to the surgeon!
Mmmm I'm not so sure Dave your scaring my kids..........If you remember I used to threaten my youngest with "the greyhound man" now shes traumatised.
Thank god I can eat mars bars again......there was panic in this house
sorry for scaring your kids Landess tell them the Greyhound Devil man won't come round to take their dogs away as long as they leave mum's Mars Bars alone
LOL Dave thats a great idea. Now can you come up with something to keep me away from the Mars Bars The thought of cows stomach in them was working!!!! I just moved on to double deckers
Greyhounds are like chocolates, one is just never enough.