Like Blue, Millie often stretches and slips one out and then has the cheak to look round and wonder where it came from!
Willow is more cute than funny but i love it the way he gives you a big grin and shows his teeth when i get home as he's so pleased to see his mummy
Millie's clumsiness always makes me laugh. She has bigger thighs than me (some would disagree ) and she walks into everything and is constantly knocking things over. Occasionally she has tried to fit through a gap beside a gate-post and she's got her body through and coz her arse is that big, she can't get it through and has to reverse
Zak does the play bow farts, quite on purpose.He also makes sure that he has pointed his rear in your direction first.
Tara on the other hand very rarely farts.If she does she gets really confused and looks at her bottom in horror as to where this noise came from.
The classic Tara funny is her favourite toy which is a hard rubber ball on a rope.She much prefers to grab the rope end than the ball end.She then shakes it and it swings and hits her in the side of the head.So she shakes it harder so it hits her on both sides of the head.It is hilarious to watch the more it 'gets' her the harder she shakes it as we fall about laughing, doesn't seem to do her any harm.
The classic Zak was when we first got him and had him out in the garden.He started grabbing at my sleeve so I turned my back on him and crossed my arms.The little so-n-so then gave me a nip on the bum.It was so much like having my bum pinched and Graham and I just fell about laughing.Funnily enough Zak was son not expecting that as a reaction he hasn't tried that one again.
Not a day passes but one of our guys does something to make us laugh, trying to list them all is more difficult. Our three comedians are Presley (the youngest) Whizzard (the oldest) and the shy boy Mac.
At night when we watch the TV we give them all a chew, but of recent Mac has taken to hiding his until the rest are finished, then he proceeds to munch away. The rest of the dogs all look at him in amazement, wondering how he got 'another chew'!
Whizzard, the oldest and who is blind, is such a character, he acts like he is a slow dottery old man, but the minute you turn your back, he jumps around like a two year old. Catching him in the act is so funny.
Presley well....not sure if he makes us laugh with pleasure or because, if we didnt laugh we would cry. Guess the funniest thing he does is 'grassing' Molly up for doing something bad, like stealing food. But its him who steals it and gives it to her, then he runs and tells us like the school clipe.
Mason's favourite trick is to snuggle up and pretend to be cuddly before you realise he is sneakily trying to wipe his mouth all over your clothes On Tuesday he had me in fits laughing when we arrived at the pick up point for daycare and I opened the car door to take him for a quick stretch. He took one look at the rain,buried his head under his paws and shut his eyes, it was so funny I just left him there. And at obedience class last night he entertained everyone by refusing to get up when it was his turn and being dragged across the floor lying on his side. Of course the cheekiest thing is the look of innocence on his face when I catch up with him after every houdini escape...hilarious Marie
Great post....... Dexter wipes his face after eating his food on his bed/setee/carpet? Whatever he can find and the length of time he wipes his face for you would think his face was plastered in food He runs around like a lunatic in our field where he digs a couple of digs in his hole then runs around runs back to his hole digs again and the whole senario starts again until he is shattered . Dexter also does the sneaky fart when he first gets up and stretches - everyone dives away from his back end He also smiles at us in the morning and when we come back into the house (which our other crossbreed dog does we were so impressed he does this too!!) And finally before I bore you all to death Dexter and our other dog Skye play with each other (which is great because we think that Skye must have been bored for the last nine years as she hasn't had anyone to play with ) they race around the living room and grab at each others necks until one of them decides enoughs enough!
Guess the funniest thing he does is 'grassing' Molly up for doing something bad, like stealing food. But its him who steals it and gives it to her, then he runs and tells us like the school clipe.
LOL, talking of sneaky does anyone else's angel do the "fake pee". Any time Mason wants a better look at something, usually a garden with cat, he stops, pretends he is peeing and turns his head to get another swatch...Now if only he could master the art of actually peeing in a stationary position
Like Presley, Indiana is also a clipe. Tigerlily likes her pig ear softened for her and waits until Indiana has been at his for 2 mins before she takes it off him. She then has two pig ears hidden under her paws. Indiana then comes barking to us and I always know it's because Tigerlily has taken his treat! I also love the way Tigerlily gets excited about a walk. She stands on her two hind legs and cycles her front paws. She reminds me of a lippizaner stallion. Indiana will molest strangers when out walking because he hates his muzzle and tries to dislodge it on people's bums. Last weekend walking Ben Venue, he did this to a lady hiker who was all set to slap the guy next to her for it...
Vernon farts in my face every morning. I don't think I'd be able to get out of bed if he didn't, its like some kind of nerve gas getting me going.
He runs in after dinner and wipes his face on my knee or the sofa.
He still jumps up when he's excited (anyone who saw him in Bothwell will remember) almost to eye level and he is so clumsy its unreal. Its like he's pogoing.
He has mad bursts of playing with the cat play bowing and chasing him round the flat. Jasper jumps out at him from behind a door and they start again.
If he is lucky enough to steal something tasty the big eedjit runs with it from the kitchen to the living room and to his bed right in front of me. Not stealthy at all.
Mollie does a mini jump on her front paws when waiting to go out for a walk and makes a wee yip noise.
She steals Steven's kids cuddly toys and barks at them.
It's the BIG burps with Cara, she's such a delicate eater, but burps like a lager filled trucker on his weekend off. Standing with her head in the wood burning stove makes me cringe, I don't know how she aint caught fire yet, I hope she never burps while her head is in there, probably blow the roof off.
Daisy does the face-wiping stuff on her bed after dinner - bum in the air and wriggling her head all over the duvet (yukky).
Dave is so laid back, he's almost horizontal - not much fazes him. he does, tho, very much like to root around in the bin liner to ensure that what I'm chucking out really isn't edible.
Tom is a tigger - he bounces up and down every time we come home and he's really funny to watch.
Love this thread - all the dogs are so individual.
After every meal Sally insists on having her neck rubbed underneath until she lets out a huge burp, then she's all pleased with herself. She regularly walks into trees when we're out, when she's looking the other way focusing on cats/squirrels/deer/anything else she'd like to chase. She's fascinated by horses and runs backwards, bites her lead and emits a very high pitched squeaky noise when she sees them (she used to do it for squirrels and deer too but must have become desensitised to them).
Dan's speciality is running backwards all the way down the hall when he's excited, he's so big I suppose it's easier than turning round. He also runs away from bees, even if he can't see them the buzzing is enough to make him shift at a fair pace. The look on his face is precious.
Casper made me laugh earlier tonight playing musical statues with Aedan. Aedan was dancing and running around to the music with casper in tow, nibbling him and thinking it was a chasing game. When I stopped the music aedan would stop and so would capser right behind him. It was hillarious to watch. Casper should have been out every time though he couldn't stop his tail going Of course Casper is now sound asleep after all that dancing
"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give."
Millie can open the peddle bin with one of her front paws and have a good rumage around for any leftovers. I only found this out after weeks of thinking that I had lost the plot because I kept finding things in her bed that I was so sure that I had put in the bin but then one day I caught her in the act - the bin is now turned with the peddle against the wall.
Dylan is an attention seeker but lovely with it. A few weeks ago I had friends round and Dylan made a grand entrance into the room, grinning, tale wagging but nobody paid any notice. So poor Dylan looking defeated left the room only to return stooped quite low with a very sad look on his face as if to say "Nobody loves me" and within seconds my friends were all over him.
Prince is very laid back and just spends most of the time sleeping and making some very strange noises like he's taking in his sleep.
Kiera steals treats from the others and sits with them laid out in front of her and then tries to eat them all at once. The other dogs know that if they wait long enough she is sure to give up (or drop one out her mouth).
And the pups, they are pure entertainment. Bunny has got a wee gallus swagger when he's out walking with the other dogs. And Woody is as cute as a button as he races around the house with his leg in a stookie.
Looking forward to reading more stories...
Helen, Lindsay, Dylan, Kiera, Millie, Prince, Bunny and Woody xxxxxx
Like lots of others, my three do like to come and belch in your face after eating- happiest if it's something REALLY stinky like a tripe stick.
Millie makes me laugh when she decides she's going to give playing a go - she always looks like she doesn't quite "get it". I also love the way she grins at me and dances along when you speak to her on a walk. Also, her habit of throwing herself into ditches on hot days so she comes out soaking and manky!
Tigger is a clown. She leans against the furniture or wall and barks at nothing all the while bumping against whatever it is. She'll then take off and charge round the house at full pelt. I also enjoy watching her digging on her walks. She zooms about/spins on the end of the lead and then digs frantically before throwing little sticks about. She's also really funny when she tries to hide behind little lumps in the ground so she can pounce on Millie.
Wills is also funny when he plays with his toys. I think it stems from not knowing what playing was all about when I got him. He looks to you for reassurance, to see if he's doing it right. My heart went out to him after my gran died. I was really upset on the Sunday morning and very tearful and Wills got one of his toys and started playing. He kept looking at me to see if he was making me laugh or smile and when I wasn't he'd clown all the harder.
I just love this thread too! Vegas grins toothily at the top of the stairs to greet us when we come in from work. Both Vegas and Dixie find the smelliest, muddiest swamp to wallow in when they're out for a run. They've got used to being hosed down when they come back home. And Dixie sings when our son, Martin, plays the guitar. It has to be heard - sometime soon, I hope!
What a fantastic thread, all the stories certainly made my morning
Here's a selection of what our dogs do to make us laugh, can't list everything as each of them is a comic and does something different every day
Lulu is another early morning farter she gets up, stretches and farts then looks around wondering where it came from,she also loves to dig up the garden, we didnt find it funny until we looked in her hole, there were two slippers, pair of comfy socks, some chews and a couple of toys we thought she was looking to move in.
If we throw a small stone in the water for Sally, she nearly drowns herself by putting her face fully in the water and digging around for the biggest boulder that will fit between her teeth, with her tail going like a helicopter, she breaths out while she is under the water its like she is blowing bubbles and looks so chuffed when she comes up for air with a huge stone in her mouth.
I dont know where to start with Dust, hes the waggiest dog Ive ever met, he stands in front of you wagging his tail, we can normally ignore him for about 10 minutes then we ask him 'what do you want' to which he jumps up and down, does a wee dance and puts the biggest smile on his face with an Elvis lip curl, he then gently takes your hand and takes you to wherever he is likely to score some food.
-- Edited by Katie at 11:20, 2007-06-01
Katie, Tricia, Lulu, Dust, Sally, Purdy, Scully, Rosa
great thread Amanda, farting and burping seem to be the common themes here, to look at them you wouldn't think the skinnies were capable of anything quite so rude!
Harry burps like a 30-stone navvy after a night out on the beer after every meal. In your face, preferably.
Oh Dear, I can see where Morse is heading - not only does he do the after dinner burp but he has now started knocking over full cans of beer so he can slurp up the contents!
Dogs are not intelligent: never trust any animal that is suprised by its own farts!
We feed ours in the kitchen, but the dog food is in the hall cupboard, so we have a proccession from kitchen to hall and back. The funny thing is they walk to heel one on each side of you, even if you slow right down or run! They're never so well behaved any other time, lol! It's like dressage for hounds.
Ruby does a thing where if she catches your eye but feels she's not getting enough attention she rolls onto her back, then by wriggling about and tail thrashing, gradually makes her way across to you upside down - with a lot of loud tail thumping.
Bob makes us smile just with his big grin and crazy tail wag.
(and they do all the standard burping and farting too)
When I take my pair down the beach, as soon as I let them off the lead, Wicket springs forward, tail going like a windscreen wiper in a blizzard, and she starts spinning around (should've called her Kylie....) like a top! Once she's got fast enough she shoots forwards and disappears off into the distance! Then there's Billyum.... As some of you may know, Billy's got a heed full of biscuits and they're all broken lol Billy's the great seagull hunter. He stalks them, walking slowly up to the waters edge.... then makes a mad dash towards them. Obviously all the seagulls have seen him coming and fly off, leaving poor Billy looking very bemused, and not at all chuffed!
I think Brook has been around cats too much. Those with cats will know how they try to catch flies, the other day while sitting on the couch as the fly went past brook was tryng to catch it with her mouth. Although, as expected one of the cats caught it and ate it and that was the end of the game, poor Brook, I think she was really enjoying herself too. She also wriggles about on the bed, the way she would outside which I find quite funny and is normally the start of a play session.
Those at training will also know her special way of doing a down, first she sits then slides her front legs forward until she is in a down, I think she is just making sure that she has to go all the way down before getting a treat!
Great thread, I love reading about what other pooches do!
Jet has learned that we keep his dog food and treats on top of the cupboard in the kitchen and every time we go in he follows us and stands at the door looking first at me then up at the top of the cupboard, then he does it all over again. i find it so funny
This is a fab thread, what a giggle I'm having reading all these.
The other day Annie was sitting doing her "I'm such a precious princess and a lady look" when kev turned and said "Aww.. who's a beautiful precious girl.." and she duly turned and let out a big burp" he he he!! not such a lady eh!!
I love the way she gets excited when she's out playing in the garden and runs at full pelt from the garden (60ft long, so she gathers fair speed!) vaults the steps and most of the kitchen and skids to a halt against the sofa and the end of the lounge - no wonder she is always in bandages....
As you may know from previous posts we are the proud parents of Woody and Bunny two 18 week old pups. They get up to the usual high jinks that pups do. But today beat everything they have done so far. Woody is a greedy little lad and eats anything unless he is caught. The list so far has included the usual clothes pegs, rose bushes, and dog poo bags!!! In fact tonight Helen and I had to go and help him releive himself of a poo bag which was hanging out of his bottom. God knows where and how he managed to eat the bag but it worked a passage through him and came out almost intact. It was like watching a greyhound episode of Alien
We get that kind of problem with Dan after he eats grass...sometimes it's a bit stringy and he needs a hand to relieve him. He's very self conscious about it too, I swear he actually blushes!
help him releive himself of a poo bag which was hanging out of his bottom.
The fifty million dollar question is: had he managed to bag his own prior to passing it? If so, it might be worth trying to teach all the other hounds!