Well, on what the forecasters promised would be the hottest day of the year, we decided to start early to avoid the mid-day sun, but it was warm even at 8am! Here's some piccies from our walk up Ben Venue in the Trossachs today (excuse the camera phone quality). We've decided to aim to walk the corbetts over the summer (munroes would be too much for me and the dogs).
The glorious sun at 8am!
Tigerlily hiding in the heather.
Both dogs beat us to the summit!
Happily, they are now sound asleep and I can watch the Any Dream Will Do final in peace! Anyone else got hot dog pictures from today?
Fantastic shots , sorry I do not have any from today but Sasha did chase after a deer today and got her self stuck at the other side of a very wide and deep stream and I had to clamber over fences and through very long grass to get to her,silly puppy. Nora
Great pics Alexis. You put my lot to shame. We were all lazy slobs in the garden, including Jack. I am going to get more walking done when School stops in 2 weeks time. Then I will have 6 weeks to get more active with Jack, no excuses!! Marian.
Gorgeous photos of both dogs and scenery. We're so lucky here. I didn't have my camera as my wee old diabetic boy curtails the walks a bit when it's very warm (or cold). There was much splashing in the river on our walk.