Wow where has time gone to??? It's that time again - for the hottest event during the summer (let's hope so with the weather!)
The GAL Summer GALa 2007 will take place on Sunday, August 12th at Strathclyde Country Park (Motherwell, Glasgow) from 11am- 3pm!
Come and celebrate GAL's 5th year of the event!! The focus will be on our dog show where 2 lucky dogs will be crowned GALa King and GALa Queen 2007!!
We will be having a special event ~ THE BEST COUCH POTATO DOG as well. We recently were given a lovely sofa that was at the Rodeo and after seeing some of the dogs sleeping on it - it gave us some ideas! More info to follow...
At any rate we do have a small number of pitches available at the GALa so if anyone has any interest in selling some of their handy work, show off some stuff or have friends/family who are in the retail trade that would like to be publicised then this is the place! There has been a minimum donation for each pitch of £10 but we will be happy to take more! If you are interested on having a pitch - please email me at !
And we will need a large number of volunteers to help us out on the day, setting up, and then clean up! We will also need folks to bring some homeless dogs as well as helping out at the GAL shop and stalls! This is the biggest GAL event of the summer and without volunteers to help - we just couldn't manage! Please think of all the fun for the dogs! If you can help again please email me at !
More GALa information will be out soon so keep checking! Linda
Wow what a day!! I'm so tired... but have to update everyone to the Summer GALA 2007! Inspite of the stiff competition - there was 3 other dog events at the Strathclyde Park and of which in our normal parking lot there was the GOOD DOG DAY event held by the PSDA, Dogs Trust and SSPCA - we managed to raise just under £1,500!! I'm very happy with the results as specially we had 4 dogs looked at with plans to visit prospective homes later this week ! :)
So while this update will be short - I'll update tomorrow after a good night sleep - I wouldn't miss this opportunity to thank the many volunteers that made the day so sucessful!! I am ever so amazed at how wonderful GAL's volunteers are!!
The list is long so bear with me: The Ring was handled flawlessly by: Denise, Susan and Jason and Graham's friend (sorry tired brain here forget the photographer's name and his lovely partner - Is is Andy and Fiona?? who brought with them the PA System- oops can't forget Dino from DM Audio for lending us his system!!) And of course thanks to Paul and Rachel for judging!!
The following volunteers handled the various stalls wonderfully!! Helen, Laura, Joyce, Joe & Liz, Helene & Eva, Kathleen & her boyfriend, Jennifer, Alexis and friends, Lita, Claire (& her mom) and Linda! We had Claire and Graham's friends from Edinburgh, along with Richard & sons in working the games section! And a special thanks to John and Steve for their great help in setting up! (and in taking down too!)
And lastly but not leastly the wonderful group who brought homeless dogs to the event, which I know made the dog's day- Jacqui, Naomi, Reen, Kathleen, Fiona, Lorraine, Fiona & Rob and David!
I'd also like to thank the lovely groups who also came to show support for GAL - Kaya Tattoo's, Guide Dogs, Aromatheraphy by Yvonne, Emma, Aileen, Cats Trust, Informal Agility by Liz and Andy Craig - who generously offered vouchers for his services! As well as Choice Sofa for the great sofa we used today to raise a good amount for GAL!!
Thanks again - for those that came I hope you enjoyed the day as much as we did. Luckily the rain held off until the very last moment! For those who missed it - we missed you and hope to see you at the next event!
So sorry I couldn't make it today! But I'm absolutely delighted that everyone had such a good time and so much money was raised. It's tremendous! BIG pats on the back for all volunteers and organisers!
Great that so much money was raised. Fingers and toes crossed for the four dogs in with a chance of new homes .Oh we met a lady at the SSPCA tent that had seen Hazel in the dogs home and had considered taking her. She was really pleased to see her as she says that so often when the dogs go to new owners she doesn't see them again.Something arose from that meeting but I will start another thread. Eleanorxxxxx
If I can't watch lurchers running in Heaven...I don't want to go there.
Just thought I would post the winners of the events below and wanted to thank everyone who entered! I'm glad I wasn't the judge! So many wonderful hounds were there!
Best Greyhound Dog: 3rd Coll, 2nd Alfie and 1st - Indiana Best Greyhound Bitch: 3rd Jenny, 2nd Bindy Boo and 1st - Isla Best Lurcher Dog: 3rd Dillon, 2nd Murphy and 1st - Murphy (Salukix collie) Best Lurcher Bitch: 3rd kayley, 2nd Misty and 1st - Annie Best Sighthound Youngster - 3rd Indiana, 2nd Jazz and 1st - Ellie Best Hound Verteran - only Roscoe Best Brace - 3rd: Jack,Dan & Snowy, 2nd Max & Penny and 1st - Coll & Isla Best Black -3rd Millie, 2nd Bindy Boo and 1st - Nikki Best Sit or Down - 3rd Penny, 2nd Coll and 1st - Harvey Best Eyes - 3rd Penny, 2nd Misty, and 1st - Murphy Best Groomed - 3rd Dipsy, 2nd Jake and 1st - Hayley Best Loser -3rd Jasper, 2nd Rosie and 1st - Kirk
And for the Non- Sighthound Dogs: Best Dog - 3rd Lackie, 2nd Robbie and 1st - Alfie Best Bitch - 3rd Shelly, 2nd Angel, and 1st - Tara Best Youngster - 3rd Jasper, 2nd Huxley and 1st - Enzo Best Veteran - 2nd Lackie and 1st - Zoe
Best Junior Handler - 3rd Nikki & Kirk, 2nd Alison & Holly and 1st- Luke and Alfie Dog Judge would most like to take home-3rd Brock, 2nd Murphy and 1st - Misty Best Family - 3rd Lackie & Kira, 2nd Ted, Casey & Murphy and 1st - Huxley & Kayle Best Brindle - 3rd Rosco, 2nd Jacob and 1st - Ellie Best Biscuit Catcher - 3rd Annie, 2nd Henry and 1st - Toby Waggiest Tail - 3rd Bonnie, 2nd Jake and 1st - Archie Scruffiest Mutt - 3rd Indiana, 2nd Tia and 1st Alfie
And last but not least:
Gala King 2007 - Alfie the Greyhound Gala Queen 2007 - Ellie the Greyhound Pup
I hope to get some photo's up as soon as I get them from the photographer (Andy) and hope to put more in the newsletter!
Me, my husband and my dogs had a lovely day out at the gala! We absolutely fell in love with the dog Jamie who was with one of your volunteers! He was absolutely beautiful! If i had the space in the living room/car and the extra cash I would have taken him home! Gorgeous boy! Here's hoping he's found a new home, or if not fingers crossed he gets one soon!
Sorry I've not been on before about the GALa, but as Linda said we had competition with other events on beside us.
That said, we did manage to raise some cash and interest a few people in homing a dog. It was lovely to catch up with some lovely dogs and their mums and dads. Especially nice to see Red, Summer and Rowan.