Back from hols and I seem to be a bit out of the loop re GAL goings on in the top eschelons of the organisation. However being a bit of a recluse spending most of my time with Flashlurcher and my books? Being a bit in the dark about human machinations is par for the course for me. . However I am moved to write this quote that sticks in my mind from one of my books. "Dogs never lie about love" the psychoanalyst Jeffrey Masson . from Chapter 2 "Why we cherish dogs" Masson had gone to a grey sanctuary in the US.
"What struck me - indeed what struck the woman who rescued the greyhounds -was their extraordinary forgiveness. They forgave the all the terrible things that had been done to them. When you step on a dog's foot by mistake ,somehow it knows that it was a mistake. The dog will immediately make up with you, lick your hand and let you know that it holds no grudge. The greyhound does this on a more profound level." yes I have been beaten and hurt and I suffered. I remember but I forgive. I want to be friends" I was so deeply impressed with the gentle demeanour of these animals that I wanted to take one home. As the dogs were brought out of their cages to see me I found the way that each greyhound gazed up at me with absolute trust and sweetness to be almost unbearable. How could their friendliness have survived their trauma. Racing greyhounds are neglected and abused then simply disgarded like so much rubbish, yet the emotion they so clearly manifest is forgiveness."
Sorry that this is a bit long...but somehow I feel it is a cleansing quote. Reminder of why we are here on the forum.. also a reminder of me to get the hoover under our bed as when I dug out the box where that book is stored....well it is a bit dusty . Love Eleanor and her Flashlurcherxxxxxx Er I used to have a rescue wsd....stand on her foot in the early days and she would have had your leg off ....c'est la vie.
-- Edited by Leolurcher at 09:49, 2007-06-26
If I can't watch lurchers running in Heaven...I don't want to go there.
That is so very true!! Being a vet nurse im so bad at poking and squeezing at my dogs and they just sit there accepting it, and even give me a kiss afterwards!! I have never come across a dog quite as affectionate as my grey judy. She has been abused by humans in her life as a racer yet shows so much love.