I noticed some strange blistery things on Murphy yesterday. They seem to be concentrated on his inner thighs and back legs and are filled with yellow pussy looking stuff. They are all different sizes with the biggest being almost half a centimetre across and a couple of clusters of tiny ones. They don't look inflamed and they don't seem to be troubling Murphy and there are probably under a couple of dozen of them in total. But what could have caused them? Could it be an allergy?? Have cleaned them with a mild antiseptic but don't really know what else to do. I have antibiotic powder for if they pop but am really wondering if I should take him to the vets or wait a few days and see if they clear up on their own... Any advice greatly appreciated
Sorry I can't offer any advice, haven't a clue what would cause that. I suppose if it doesn't get better over the weekend a trip to the vet would be wise.
sounds like a mild (as theres only a few spots), pyo-derma. Basically skin infection. Alot of owners dont even realise there dogs have this because of the area it can effect. The only thing with any skin infection is that it can spread pretty easily. If you apply any antibiotic/bacterial cream for a few of days and monitor if it clears up great if not may need to contact vet for antibiotic course. This is obviously just what I think it sounds like. Only a vet could definently diagnose this by seeing murphy. Hope advice helps.
Sounds very similar to the kind of thing that Pearly had in the past fortnight, which she picked up by running through long grass. She wasn't scratching at her spots/blisters or licking them and she didn't appear to be unwell in the slightest. But, to be on the safe side, we took her to the vet. Confirmation: bacterial skin infection! She was given antibiotics and they cleared up within a few days.
Wills gets something that sounds very similar but only at certain times of the year (end of summer/autumn). The vet seemed to think he had an allergy to something in the grass but we can't narrow it down. We felt that it might be caused by fungus spores. He gets them on his undersides and insides of his legs.
I put witch doctor gel on them and it seems to burst them, they dry up very quickly and disappear. I've explained to the vet what I do and he seemed quite happy that, if it was working, to carry on.
Thanks to all who replied to this post. The blisters cleared up in a couple of days on their own and he hasn't had any more since,so fingers crossed... Am going to buy witch hazel and aloe vera just in case he does have another outbreak and meanwhile try to avoid long grass as much as possible! Fiona x